GCWG Fall Member's Meeting Minutes 10/25/15
The meeting began with appetizers and dinner at 5:30 p.m. About 50 members were present.
At 7:05 President Bob Saint began the formal meeting with an introduction of the board members present. Christine Lee, Doug Smith, Janet Harrington, Jack Reichert, Paisley, Roger Shaw (ex-officio), and Nick Schade (Forest Service). Bob said that he wanted the fall meeting to be a celebration of the accomplishments of the summer and recognition of outstanding individuals.
Cabin Hosting Monarch Cabin was three days this year (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) and Junco Cabin (Saturday and Sunday also holidays). At Monarch over 40 member households participated for 56 days of hosting. Junco had 31 member households participating for 25 days. Over 50% of our membership volunteered for cabin hosting. He thanked everyone who helped set it up Doris Klein, Dick Sprague, Al Rothenbach & Toni Wujek and all GCWG members who hosted.
Trail/Campsite Hosting This is what any GCWG member can do to help. Wear our volunteer badges and give help if needed. Politely remind hikers of Forest Service rules. Share our knowledge and report back to the Forest Service about any problems or concerns. Any hours spent in doing trail or campsite hosting should be turned in to Toni Wujek.
Orientation Hikes Thanked Ingrid for setting them up.
Public Outreach Winter Park ArtAffair Booth, Granby 4th of July Parade.
Weed Warrior Assault (Daisy Days) Beth Collins - Largest group of volunteers this year. Also thanks to Jim Magill for a great lunch.
Spring Camping Trip for 2015 to Capitol Reef. A very successful event. For 2016 Doris and Dave Klein volunteered to do it but need help. Has to be arranged soon as many group campgrounds fill up very fast.
Spring Birding Trip to Arapaho National Wildlife Refuge Lots of birds seen and also river otters.
Registration Boxes GCWG volunteers monitor 11 registration boxes. Stephen Lee coordinates the information from them. The tabulated results are given to the Forest Service and used to obtain grants, etc.
Encampment Once again led by Ron Sears. Summer Picnic Always a fun social event. The date for next year's picnic is Sunday, August 7, 2016.
Columbine Lake Trail Re-route This is our adopted trail. GCWG helped with this project along with the Forest Service and Rocky Mountain Conservancy Conservation Corps.
Devil's Thumb Trail With Rocky Mountain Youth Corps & GCWG. Worked on the upper trail.
Bowen Lake Campsite Rehabilitation with Wilderness Volunteers rehabilitated many campsites that were too close to the Lake.
Stewardship Patrols with Wilderness Ranger July 1-5 Bottle Pass/Byers Peak,
Sept. 11-12 Bowen Lake, Sept. 18-19 Crater Lake.
Nick Schade commented that there are many illegal campsites closer than 100 feet in lake camping areas. He asked that if we saw any to politely explain to the campers about the rule of not camping closer than 100 feet from the lake and to let the Forest Service know about the campsite. He mentioned that Indian Peaks is the only regulated Wilderness area because it is so widely used.
GCWG also worked on the Joan Shaw Memorial Kiosk at the Junco Lake Trailhead. We got around $3000 donated for this project and the signs are now ready to be installed, probably next spring.
The Knight Ridge Trail Project (Knight Ridge is part of the Continental Divide Trail) has finally been completed. This has been a project that GCGW has been asking the Forest Service to do for quite a few years and finally this past spring it was done. The Trail had hundreds of downed trees (because of the pine beetle and high winds) that made the trail unusable. This spring the Forest Service with help from some GCWG members worked for two weeks to restore the trail, cutting over 800 trees to open the trail.
Dec. 5,6,12 Tree Cutting/Smokey Bear
Dec. 19 Christmas Bird Count
Jan. 31 White Deer Party
Aug. 7 - Annual Picnic
At this time Bob Saint introduced Izzie Ditmarson, the U.S.Forest Service Sulphur District Wilderness Ranger for a short program on WHY RULES? In the Wilderness.
Her program focused on why the forest service has to have rules in the Wilderness. A short quote from Dr. Richard Knight, CSU professor, helped explain. We don't manage the wilderness, we manage the public. Limiting the group size limits the impact on the resources and provides others with feeling of solitude. Permits are required in the Indian Peaks Wilderness because it is heavily used. She also explained that groups of twelve or more (hiking clubs, scouts, schools, etc.) need a day use permit also. Izzie said that people have asked why bicycles are not allowed but horses are. The rules allow primitive use and horse travel qualifies as primitive travel. Of course no motorized or mechanized use which contribute to noise pollution. A key rule that Izzie always tries to teach campers and backpackers is no camping within a 100 feet of lake, stream or trail in the Wilderness.
Bob Saint thanked Izzie on her presentation and presented her with a Certificate of Appreciation from GCWG for her commitment and fierce dedication to the programs, activities and ideals of the Wilderness.
Nick Schade then presented Roger Shaw with a Certificate of Appreciation from the Forest Service for his many years of dedicated work on behalf of the Wilderness, including championing the volunteer effort to assist the Forest Service into opening Knight Ridge Trail, a vital link in the Continental Divide Trail.
The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
Submitted by: Christine Lee, Secretary