Grand County Wilderness Group Fall Members' Meeting November 5, 2006

Location: Members met at the YMCA Summit Building at Adams Camp for a potluck, followed by the meeting.

Attendance: 70 people attended the potluck and meeting.

Opening: President Jerry Stahl called the meeting to order at 7:20PM. He thanked all the members who brought food and thanked the Y for providing the facility. He also read an e-mail from Mike Ricketts of the USFS, requesting our help with the Forest Service Xmas tree sale in December. Patrick and Julia Pine will coordinate the group's volunteers. Jerry introduced the USFS personnel present: Ralph Swain, Gary McGraw, Doreen Summerhill, and Ray Miller.

Treasurer's Report: Carolyn Manly reported that the treasury was in good shape, with a balance of $724 as of 8/13/06. She noted that most of the group's income is from dues, and shirt, map, and ANRA pass sales.

Carolyn also reported that Judy and Tim Schowalter will be taking over the group's paper product inventory from Dixie Lockey, and that Jim and Mary England and Bob Drickey and Sharry Eringer have volunteered to apprentice as Junco cabin coordinators next season.

Membership: Al Rothenbach reported that the group currently has 125 members. He introduced the four guests that were present.

Website: Al Rothenbach also reported that there are some changes planned for the website. It will be made easier to use, and trail hosting and potluck recipe sections will be added.


Comments from the Forest Service:

Miscellaneous: The next GCWG get-together will be the White Deer Party, after the first of the year, date to-be-announced.

Carolyn Stahl reported that there are group T-shirts on display and available for purchase.

Presentations: An inspiring 24 minute video, entitled American Values: American Wilderness, was shown.

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8:50PM.

Toni Wujek, Secretary

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