Grand County Wilderness Group Fall Members' Meeting November 9, 2008
Location: Members met at the YMCA Summit Building at Adams Camp for a potluck, followed by the meeting.
Attendance: 42 members attended the potluck and meeting.
Opening: President Al Rothenbach called the meeting to order at 7:18PM.
Carolyn Manly gave the Treasurer's Report. Our current balance is $1182.72. Carolyn, acting for membership chairman Mary Bernard, also introduced our new members. Carolyn reported that the Junco cabin cash box, containing several ANRA passes and a small amount of cash, was taken from the cabin near the end of this season.
Al R. reported that 25 GCWG members worked at the National Public Lands Day on 9/29/2008. He asked for a round of applause for the Stanfills, who coordinated our involvement this year.
Al R. introduced the NFS representatives present: Mike Ricketts, Ray Miller, and Sue Kinzer. He announced that the Xmas Bird Count is scheduled for 12/20/08. Anyone who wants to volunteer should contact Brock McCormick at the NFS, or go to the NFS website. He announced that the White Deer Party is scheduled for 1/25/09. Al also asked that all members fill our and return the GCWG survey that was e-mailed to them and also published in the fall newsletter. The results will be compiled and shared with the board and committee chairs.
Sue Jackson reported on this years' tally of volunteer hours, a total of approximately 4000 hours. Sue Kinzer reminded us to include the hours volunteered for school field days.
Al R. asked for a volunteer to setup and lead the spring camping trip.
Jim Clair reported on this season's bulletin board activity. Jim said we were “not too busy, but we could have been”. A board was put in place at Kinny Creek, but then we ran out of materials. Also, a welder is needed to continue the work.
Roger Shaw reported the registration box tallies. He has been accumulating them for 9 years and sees some interesting trends. The boxes are at 10 trailheads in Grand County.
Mike Ricketts reported on the NFS progress on meeting their wilderness area standards: they are on target in the Never Summer, Byers Peak and Vasquez wildernesses, but not quite there in the Indian Peaks wilderness, primarily because of the Front Range involvement there. He also reported that Sue Kinzer is leaving the Sulphur Ranger district: “We'll miss you, Sue”. He mentioned that there is a workshop for wilderness managers and wilderness volunteers on the 2nd weekend of December at REI in Denver. We are invited to send representatives.
Sue Kinzer thanked GCWG for the help we have given her at Monarch cabin.
The meeting was followed by a talk from Dr.Klaus Wolter of NOAH in Boulder.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:15 PM.
Toni Wujek, Secretary