GCWG Board Meeting Minutes 1/08/12

Location: The board met at the home of Jim Magill and Beth Collins. The meeting followed a potluck dinner.

Attendance: Board members present were Jim Magill, Jim Moat, Susan Ellis, Doug Smith, Tom Whitten, Chris Lee, and Toni Wujek. Board members Roger Shaw, Jim Bernard, and Ingrid Anderson were absent. Members Beth Collins, Al Rothenbach, Stephen Lee, Patricia Potter, Jeri Moat, and Holly Whitten were also present.

Opening: The meeting was called to order by President Jim Magill at 6:50 PM.

Minutes from the last meeting were distributed and approved.

Jim Magill reported for the absent treasurer, Jim B. We currently have $4560 in the treasury.

Jim Magill reported that Mary Ann Groswold, cabin hosting coordinator, is OK with allowing members to contact her to signup for cabin hosting prior to the spring members' meeting.

Jim Magill distributed the results of the GCWG members' survey (A copy is attached.) Discussion followed. Comments included: there are requests for activities for people who are less active. Can we do some shorter hikes with food afterward? It was noted that many members don't do anything to contribute to the group. How can we get them involved? Should we have members' meetings during the daytime? Do we need to praise and thank contributing members more frequently? Should we have hikes on weekends? Do we need more publicity? Should we do more educational activities? Involve schools? How about banners at Junco and Monarch cabins to make people aware of our group? Or more about our accomplishments in our newsletter? How about a monthly wildlife film somewhere in Granby? The Steamboat library does this. We could pay for the film and make it free to the public. Chris L. volunteered to look into the possibility of doing this. The discussion evolved into one about whether we are a social group or a service organization. The board finally decided that we need to brainstorm a few good projects, and not be all over the place. Board members should come to the next board meeting with three ideas of what we can do. We will settle on our priorities at this time.

The annual White Deer Party will be held in the Rawley Room at the Y on January 29th. Beth C. Susan E. and Toni W. will MC. Someone asked why do board members have to provide the main course chili; it can get expensive. Should we order chili from someplace? It was decided that board members will continue to provide the main course, but that they could choose to bring either chili or spaghetti.

Doug S. observed that we need a better display at the ArtAffair.

Ingrid Anderson will again coordinate our summer hikes. She is looking for hiking leaders to volunteer early.

Our spring members' meeting will be held on Sunday, April 15th. Jim Magill will reserve the Adams Camp Summit Building room. We will not have a speaker.

Jim Magill mentioned that the Forest Service is pushing us to checkout Adventure Packs at Junco cabin. We are concerned that cabin hosts will have to stay around waiting for the backpacks to be returned. It was decided that we could instruct people to leave the backpacks behind the building if the cabin is closed when they try to return them. We will ask the Forest Service to get Dick, the Forest Service person primarily responsible for patrolling the Junco area, involved. Hopefully, he could check for backpacks left outside and move them into the cabin.

Membership chair Mary B. is sending out reminders to members who have not yet renewed this year.

The board decided to move the annual picnic, which has traditionally been held in August, to the second week of July. We also decided to move the fall members' meeting, usually held in November, to October.

Toni W. reported that a request for reservations on April 24th through 26th for the Squaw Flats group campsite at Canyonlands – the Needles section – has been submitted to Canyonlands National Park. Reservations could not be submitted before the first business day of the year, so our request was faxed at 8:10AM of the first business day of the year. Canyonlands acknowledged that they have received the request, and will send us notification of confirmation when they have processed it, or will call if there is a conflict.

Jim Magill asked if the group wanted to participate in the “Top Ten Wilderness Places To Visit in Grand County” effort, a project meant to get the word our to visitors about our best spots. Discussion was tabled until the March meeting.

Member Joyce Clair wants to know if the group is interested in participating in Fraser River Days again this year. Discussion was tabled until the March meeting.

Holly W. asked us to write letters to the BLM to let them know that we are in favor of having areas in the Troublesome and Strawberry lands treated as wilderness. The BLM needs input to their management plan by January 17, 2012. She handed our a sample letter (a copy is attached).

The next board meeting will be on Sunday, March 11th, at the home of Tom and Holly Whitten.

The meeting adjourned at 8:15PM

Toni Wujek, Secretary

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