GCWG Board Meeting Minutes 1/08/17

Location: TThe meeting was held at the Janet Harrington's. Appetizers and dinner were at 5:00 p.m. followed by the board meeting

Board members present: Tom Whitten, Al Rothenbach, Bob Saint, Gary Perkins, Janet Harrington, Christine Lee, Paisley, Beth Collins, Jack Reichert, Nick Schade (Forest Service) .
GCWG members: Toni Wujek, Sue Perkins, Jim Magill, Stephen Lee, Ann Steers

The meeting began at 6:20 p.m.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES. Jack made a motion to approve the September 11 minutes. Minutes were approved.

TTREASURER'S REPORT – Tom Whitten – Balance in our account is $5148.27. A few bills and some memberships still to come.

MEMBERSHIP – Al Rothenbach – Mike Braddy informed Al that in 2016 CGWG had 88 memberships. Four people told him that they were not renewing and 25 people still have not let him know whether or not they will renew.

VOLUNTEER HOURS – Toni Wujek – Toni reported that fourth quarter hours were fewer than last year. We probably do a lot more than we give ourselves credit for. For example, the December Bird Count hours can be used as well as trail hosting hours. These seem to be on the low side. Nick Schade said that these volunteer hours have been used for reports and grants. However, he thought that it might be better to change the report to match the Forest Service's fiscal year (Oct 1 – Sept 30). Toni said that this should not be a problem.

CLOTHING INVENTORY – Janet Harrington – Got a dozen hats and visors. She will bring these to the White Deer Party. Bob asked her to see if we need to order more shirts and let him know by the March meeting. She will check but thinks that we have enough shirts.

TRAIL BOX REGISTRATION - Stephen Lee - Has about a half of the reports already. Will remind the rest of the volunteers to get the reports to him as soon as they can. Mention was made that our numbers were used by the Forest Service in a Sport Shooting Rec. Study. Nick said that there is a grant available for new metal boxes (Forest Service approved) but the grant is for boxes that serve both motorized and non-motorized areas (like North Supply) so the grant money can not be used for registration boxes for the wilderness areas. Because the boxes are not shiny and blend in well the Forest Service will allow them in wilderness areas. Jim Magill reported that we have only one wooden box left so we can always buy the metal boxes (for $240) and use them in wilderness area trailheads that need new ones. They require less maintenance and will last longer. Stephen will probably write an article for the spring newsletter about the registration boxes. Nick mentioned that the Forest Service is doing a recreation business plan on visitor use in the Never Summer Range and Indian Peaks Wilderness. They are looking at implementing a permit/use fee for overnight use because of the many people that are camping/using this area.

Nick will be leaving the Sulphur Ranger District by mid-February. He is accepting the post of Recreation Supervisor for six districts in Salmon, Idaho. He will be responsible for a huge forest area of 1.3 million acres and will be working on a new Forest Plan for that area. In the next few weeks he is hoping to compile a list of incomplete projects and projects in the planning stage. He will be putting out a document of these projects and could use some help. Bob said that he and anyone else interested would get together with Nick to help him. The Forest Service received a grant for $35,000 that will be used for summer hiring of interns. Nick used our volunteer hour figures and trailhead summaries to help get this grant. The data collection we furnished was used in the analysis of the Sulphur District's performance increases. The forest service needs to show point increases and the grant money is probably for Wilderness Stewardship Performance increases. GCWG had promised a grant match of $1,000 if the grant were given. A motion was made to approve giving this $1,000 match to the Forest Service. All approved. Nick Schade recommended that instead of writing a check we use the money to pay for any physical items needed by the interns (up to $1,000.00). Less paperwork and red tape that way.

VOICE OF THE WILDERNESS – Holly Whitten – Holly was not able to attend but Nick said that he had information which pertained to what she had wanted to discuss. On the subject of the Forest Service's decision on changes to trail use around Winter Park he said that they had recommended alternative three. There would be designated trails for bikes, some areas would be closed to fat bikes in winter even if bikes were allowed there in summer, and there would be restricted bike use in other areas. There will be a draft decision in three weeks.
Tom reported that the Open Lands Committee (nine members) is being set up.. Bob Saint said that he had applied for one of these positions.

Finally Nick said that he would be having a going away party/parties later on in February. He would give Bob the information on time and place so it could be distributed to the board members and anyone else Bob thought might be interested in saying goodbye to Nick.

COLORADO PUBLIC LANDS DAY (May 20) – A new event? There would be a conference call on January 20. Bob asked if anyone would be able to take the call and get any information about this event since he would be on vacation.

WHITE DEER PARTY (Sunday, January 29, 2017) – Toni Wujek/Beth Collins/Carolyn Sunderland – The board will bring chili and Bob will send out the food assignments closer to the date. In case of bad weather an e-mail will be sent out by 4:00 p.m. if the event had to be cancelled. Christine Lee brought up a concern that had been raised by some members. They would prefer a shorter “gift” exchange and more time to socialize. Toni and Beth replied that they would take this under advisement.

SPRING CAMPING TRIP – Will be held on April 24-27, 2017 at Snow Canyon State Park near St. George, Utah. The leaders will be Jerry & Carolyn Stahl and Doris and Dave Klein.

Hike Coordinator – Joyce Clair volunteered to be the coordinator
Newsletter – Tom said that Holly has agreed to stay on as newsletter content coordinator.
Monarch Lake – Still need someone to help Doris Klein with Monarch Lake Cabin. She is willing to do half of the season but would like someone else to do the second half. The board agreed that we could talk it up at the White Deer Party. Al Rothenbach said that a blank call for a volunteer is not as effective as asking someone individually.

MONARCH LAKE HOSTING – Coordinator Doris Klein & ??) – Changes to procedure. Housekeeping duties , ANRA Passes, Backcountry Permits. Some areas of concern (again) are volunteers not knowing how to call the Forest Service to fill out backcountry permits and how many ANRA parking permits we should buy and where to keep them. There was a discussion on whether we should buy more permits. Al said that he believes that he can get the safe open and we can then keep them there. Also we should buy and install a battery-powered light for the closet. It would be easier to clean it if we could see.


TRAILHEAD HOSTING – Bob said that we will host the popular areas only.

TRAIL HOSTING – One of the areas that volunteer hours reported are low. Any time we hike a trail and wear our GCWG volunteer t-shirts, tags or caps can be used as volunteer hours.

Trail work days (Jack Reichert) – Will check with the Forest Service for dates.
Granby 4th of July Parade – Barbara Williams
Winter Park Alpine Art Affair – Carolyn Sunderland
Daisy Demolition Days – Beth Collins
Spring Members Meeting – April 9, 2017
Summer Picnic – Sunday, August 6, 2017
National Public Lands Day – Saturday, Sept. 23, 2017
Orientation Hikes – Joyce Clair
NOMINATING COMMITTEE – Three positions will be open on the board: Christine Lee, Tom Whitten and one other member. Al Rothenbach, Bob Saint and Gary Perkins volunteered to be on the nominating committee.

ATTRACT NEW AND YOUNGER MEMBERS - Jack Reichert reminded the board that we wanted to make a portable kiosk with information about our organization that we could take to events. Beth said that she would talk to the Winter Park Chamber of Commerce about getting an announcement on stage about our group at some of the summer events. Also Bob said he would talk to Gary Piper to get his ideas on attracting younger members.

SUNDAY, MARCH 12, 2017 BOARD MEETING – Let Bob know if you are willing to host.

OLD BUSINESS/NEW BUSINESS: At next meeting –Subject:Name Tags.

With no other business to discuss the meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Submitted by: Christine Lee, Secretary

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