GCWG Board Meeting Minutes 1/9/11
Location: The Board met at the house of Joan and Roger Shaw. The meeting followed a potluck dinner.
Attendance: Board members present were Al Rothenbach, Jerry Stahl, Jim Bernard, Ingrid Anderson, Susan Ellis, Roger Shaw, Jim Moat, and Toni Wujek. Board members Jim Magill and Joyce Clair were absent. Members Joan Shaw, Beth Collins, Jim Clair, Carolyn Stahl, Jeri Moat, Mary Bernard, and Tom and Holly Whitten were also present.
Opening: The meeting was called to order by President Al Rothenbach, at 7:30PM.
Minutes from the last meeting were approved as posted on the web site.
Jim Bernard gave the Treasurer's report.. The group currently has a balance of $3334.09. He asked if we should give a $100 gift to the YMCA and a $150 gift to Search and Rescue, as we have done in the past. Both suggestions were approved.
Mary Bernard gave a Membership Chair report. 40 members had not renewed. Mary e-mailed them. In response, 9 members renewed, 2 want to be removed from our e-mail list, and 29 did not respond. She read the names of those who did not respond so that board members could call and follow up with those they know.
Al R. announced that the annual White Deer Party is scheduled for 5:30PM on January 30th in the Rawley Room at the YMCA. Board members will bring chili. Ingrid A. and Toni W. volunteered to MC.
Al R. asked if anyone wanted to organize snowshoe hikes this season. No one volunteered.
Will we have a spring camping trip? Beth C. and Sue Jackson have been looking into possibilities. Beth mentioned Goblin Valley in Utah and Bandolier. Jerry S. suggested Ridgeway State Park in CO. Beth will look into these places for a trip in early May.
Al R. announced that the group has a new e-mail system called Virtual Response. Eventually, every member will be able to send GCWG e-mails.
In the board elections this spring, Al R., Jerry S., and Joyce C. cannot be re-elected. They have served the maximum term. We also have a board opening for the position held by Kathy Turnbull, who has resigned. Jerry S. volunteered to head up a nominating committee, and Joan S. and Al R. volunteered to serve on the committee.
Al R. announced that Dawn Schoen has taken over tracking volunteer hours from Honor Ulveling.
Duane and Marty Hunter have agreed to coordinate the group's bulletin board efforts this upcoming season.
Roger S. reported that he is still collating the trail head registration box data from the past season.
Al R. reported that Douglas Smith may be willing to coordinate our trail maintenance activities. Jim M. has been doing this for several years. Al is waiting for a final commitment from Douglas. Regarding trail maintenance, Holly W. reported that the Forest Service is looking for help in decommissioning a section of the Strawberry Trail. This section was cleared by ATVers and is not in the Forest Service plan. We would work with Miles Miller from the NFS. The board approved our participation in this project.
We will be filling cabin hosting days at the Spring Members' Meeting, and there is confusion about what days the NFS really wants us to cover at Monarch cabin. Al R. will work with Jeanine Elsener of the NFS to find out what days we are needed. Recently, we have hosted the cabin on Wednesdays and Thursdays, Jeanine's days off, but there is a possibility that the Forest Service could also use us on Mondays.
The Spring Members Meeting is scheduled for the evening of April 17th at Adams Camp at the YMCA.
Al R. reported that Brock McCormack of the NFS has Adventure Packs that cabin hosts could hand out to kids. However, the Packs need to be returned. The board agreed that we should ask for a box of the Packs. It was suggested that we might consider giving a prize to the children who return their Pack.
Jim B., in his capacity as Treasurer, asked for clarification of the monies involved in selling ANRA passes and camping permits at the cabins. We buy the ANRA passes for $4.50 each, and sell them for $5.00, as a convenience to hikers. All monies collected from pass sales belong to the GCWG. The camping money collected is backed up by the permit application that the camper fills out, but, other than this, there is no accountability for this money. It is turned over to Mike Ricketts at the Forest Service office on an “as convenient” basis.
We need Indian Peaks maps to sell at the cabins. Roger S. will order 20 at a 10% discount off full price.
The next board meeting will be on Sunday, March 13th. The Bernard's offered to host the meeting.
Closing: The meeting adjourned at 8:45PM.
Toni Wujek, Secretary