GCWG Board Meeting Minutes 1/10/10
Location: The Board met at the house of Joan and Roger Shaw. The meeting was followed by a potluck dinner.
Attendance: Board members in attendance were: Al Rothenbach, Susan Ellis, Toni Wujek, Jerry Stahl, Marshall Haith, Jim Bernard, Ingrid Anderson and Roger Shaw. Board members Joyce Clair, Kathy Turnbull, and Jim Moat were absent. Also in attendance were: Joan Shaw, Carolyn Stahl, Mary Bernard and Sue Haith.
Opening: President Al Rothenbach called the meeting to order at 4:37 PM.
Minutes from the previous board meeting were approved as submitted.
Marshall H.. gave the board a financial report. (A copy is included with these minutes.) Currently, the balance on hand is $3178 A check needs to be written to the YMCA. It was suggested that the GCWG make a donation to Grand County Search and Rescue. Mary B. remembered that this was suggested in the past and that we had decided not to do it. She will check with Carolyn Manly to see if she remembers why that decision was made.
Al R. welcomed the new board member Ingrid Anderson to her first meeting.
The annual White Deer Party is scheduled for January 24th. All the board members will bring chili. Three members also volunteered to bring cornbread. It was suggested that a note go out to the group members encouraging salad assignees to bring lots of green salad. Ingrid A. and Toni W. volunteered to again be MCs for the gift opening.
Ideas for the spring camping trip were solicited. Escalante Petrified Forest State Park and Kodachrome State Park, both in Utah, were suggested. Since no one on the board is familiar with the Escalante area, we decided that this trip will be billed as an “exploration camping trip”. Roger and Joan S, Toni W. and Al R. will investigate the group camping available at these parks and the hiking opportunities.
The group decided to have three snowshoe hikes this winter, each about 4 – 5 miles. Al R. and Toni W. volunteered to do one of the hikes; Jerry and Carolyn S. will schedule two more.
Al R. suggested that we spend $140/yr on a GoDaddy e-mail system. This will allow any board member or committee chair, who has been give the proper userid and password, to send e-mails to all GCWG members. This expense was approved at the last board meeting. Al R. will set it up on GoDaddy and create usage rules so that e-mails are appropriate to GCWG business.
We discussed the GCWG logo vests that we have offered for sale. The remaining inventory is small and Al R. asked if we wanted to order more. The vests cost us $30 and have been sold for $35, so there is little profit. Also, almost everyone who wants one, has one. It was decided not to order any more. Jerry S. suggested that we offer baseball hats and sun visors with our logo. It was also noted that the bags have sold well, but we do not know the current bag inventory. Sue H. will cover these issues with Joyce C.
Al R. noted that cabin hosting hours do not always get reported, because the hours are turned in by the cabin coordinator, and the coordinator does not always know when the hosts have been at the cabin. Ingrid suggested that a log be placed at each cabin and signed by the hosts when they work. All agreed. The group also needs to know what days the Forest Service wants us to host the Monarch cabin in the upcoming season, and we need to know this before the spring meeting. Jerry S. will get this information from the Forest Service.
Al R. noted that we need a new treasurer, since Marshall H.'s term expires in April.
Mary B., membership chair, reported that she has sent out 32 e-mails to former members who have not renewed, asking if they intend to. Only the Cahalanes have replied, with a “No'. It was noted that we still need to depend on snail mail to reach members and former members who do not have e-mail or who have not given us their e-mail address.
Joan S. asked that new members be welcomed and recognized at the spring meeting.
The spring board meeting is set for March 14th . Mary and Jim B. will host. Should we invite committee heads? After a discussion, we decided that those chairs who head committees involved in the upcoming season should be invited.
Joan S. asked for feedback on the newsletter; everyone agreed that it is fine as it is. She also asked that it be added to the website; this will not replace the mailing.
The GCWG will offer a spring bird hike again this spring.
The spring members' meeting is set for April 18th.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 5:27 PM.
Toni Wujek, Secretary