GCWG Board Meeting Minutes 1/11/09
Location: The Board met at the house of Jim and Jeri Moat. The meeting was preceded by a potluck dinner.
Attendance: Board members in attendance were: Carolyn Manly, Al Rothenbach, Susan Ellis, Toni Wujek, Jerry Stahl, Marshall Haith, Joyce Clair, and Jim Moat. Board member Jim Bernard was absent. Also in attendance were: Joan and Roger Shaw, Carolyn Stahl, Donn Manly, Sue Haith, Jim Clair, and Jeri Moat.
Opening: President Al Rothenbach called the meeting to order at 3:00 PM.
Minutes from the meeting of 9/14/08 were approved as submitted.
Carolyn M. gave the board a written financial report. A copy is included with these minutes. Currently, the balance on hand is $2264.49. Marshall H. noted that income from dues next year will be decreased because some members paid for two years this year. Mary Bernard, our membership chair, will be back in the area in February and will send letters to our members reminding them of dues payment. We have 10 new members.
Kathy Turnbull is doing a great job with our publicity. Roger S. suggested we invite her to our next board meeting.
The food for the White Deer Party is set. Jerry S. and Toni W. will be the emcees.
Al R. discussed the results of the membership survey. There were 50 responders out of 70+ addressees.
Jerry S. noted that the leadership for the projects on National Public Lands Day was excellent. We discussed the possibility of dropping our work on the Columbine Lake trail and making more of a push to get members involved in next year's NPL day.
Jim M. offered to make one more attempt at a Trail Maintenance Day this year. He will talk to the Forest Service about specific projects and report back at the spring board meeting.
We discussed the trail report section of the website. Should it be dropped? Are the instructions clear? We will discuss again at the next meeting.
Al R. will pass any hike comments from the members' survey on to Ingrid Anderson, who will be setting up the hiking schedule this year.
Honor Ulveling will be taking over the collection of volunteer hours from Sue Jackson this year.
The cash box was taken from Junco cabin near the end of last season. The cabin key location seems to be known. We need to buy a lockbox for the key and a new cash box. The Haiths offered to pick these up.
Al R. reported on our groups contribution to the Xmas Bird Count. There are new volunteer opportunities involving birding activities: the NFS needs osprey nest monitors and bluebird box cleaners; the DOW needs volunteers for its breeding bird survey. Brock McCormack will present these opportunities at our spring members' meeting.
The backpacking permits issued by the NFS ask if the user is interested in receiving information on our group. Al R. had the permits from the people who answered “Yes”. He gave them to Carolyn M., who will work with Mary B. to respond, including a referral to our website.
Two snowshoe hikes were scheduled: the Moats will lead a hike out of the Harbison picnic area on 2/24/09; Al R. and Toni W. will lead one on the Jim Creek trail on 3/26/09.
Roger S. asked about interest in a Hi Lonesome hut hike or a Junco cabin snowshoe backpack.
The spring members' meeting is scheduled for 4/19/09, the last day of the Winter Park ski season.
Susan E. and Joyce C. will look into the possibility of going to the Black Canyon of the Gunnison for our spring camping trip.
Joan S. requested that we setup another day birding trip this spring.
Joyce C. noted that the GCWG bags are selling well. She also noted that we need more sweatshirts. The board approved getting 5 more of each size. Al R. will send a note to our members asking if there are any requests for special sizes. Joyce wondered if there was any interest in hats with our logo. The board expressed interest in a hat if it had a brim.
Al R. will schedule the next board meeting for the end of March or early April.
The board thanked the Moats for hosting the meeting.
Closing: The meeting adjourned at 4:37 PM.
Toni Wujek, Secretary