GCWG Board Meeting Minutes 1/11/15
Location: The board meeting was held at the home of Sue & Gary Perkins. The meeting included a potluck dinner.
Attendance: (Board members): Bob Saint, Al Rothenbach, Lisa Vonderhaar, Gary Perkins, Tom Papathakis, Tom Whitten, Roger Shaw, Doug Smith, Jim Magill, Christine Lee
GCWG Members : Sue Perkins, Ann Steers, Stephen Lee, Toni Wujek, Holly Whitten, Joan Shaw, Beth Collins, Nick Schade (Forest Service representative)
APPROVAL OF SEPTEMBER 14 MINUTES Meeting began at 5:45 p.m. Motion by Roger Shaw to approve minutes. Motion passed.
TREASURER'S REPORT Tom Whitten We have a current balance of $3157.20 with a few more dues coming in.
MEMBERSHIP (Mike Braddy) Al Rothenbach reported that renewal notices were sent to about 25 members.
CLOTHING INVENTORY (Sue Perkins) An inventory sheet was given to board members. Discussion followed. Lisa V. will order more nylon shirts if needed and the following will be sale items: cotton Volunteer shirts $5; Polo shirts $15; Cotton Sweatshirts-$20. These prices will be advertised in the article Bob will write for the White Deer Party.
TRAILHEAD REGISTRATION BOXES (Stephen Lee) Stephen L. reported that he had all registration forms except for Monarch Lake. He had September through December sheets only. Bob Saint said that he had a stack of Monarch Lake registration forms that he would give to Stephen. Hopefully that would be all from the beginning of the season and any from last season. (Christine L. said that she picked up all the money from the Monarch Lake cabin. Gave the Forest Service their money, ($20.00) and a check to GCWG for $142.00 for the sale of day passes and maps).
WHITE DEER PARTY (Sunday, Jan. 25, 2015 Toni Wujek/Ingrid Anderson) --Ingrid won't be able to come this year but Beth Collins volunteered to help MC the event. The Board will bring chili. Everyone else will bring appetizers, sides and dessert. Bob will give out food assignments with the written article. Because last year's party was not held because of bad weather he will also let the membership know by 4:00 p.m. via the website if the event has to be cancelled.
JOHN FIELDER PRESENTATION (Saturday, Feb. 7, 2015 Bob Saint) - The event will be held in the Granby High School Auditorium. Presentation will be at 7:00 p.m. Book signing will be before and after the presentation. There is a $135 fee; $65 for the use of the auditorium and a $75 fee to pay someone from the high school to be there for three hours. The school also requires a certificate of insurance for $500,000. Jim Magill checked with a few insurers and got a quote for about $300 for a one-time event. Nick Schade said that if the Forest Service was a co-sponsor we would be able to use their insurance waiver form and the school might accept it. A motion was made to authorize Jim to accept a quote that does not exceed $300 if the High School does not accept the Forest Service co-sponsorship letter. Jim will also research insurance rates for officer liability, etc.
Publicity for the John Fielder presentation will be handled by Sue Perkins, Bob Saint and Toni Wujek. We should advertise in the Sky-Hi News and the Kremmling Gazette as well as have flyers for the event which could be given to the Chambers of Commerce. The presentation is free but we can put up a jar/box for donations. John Fielder also asked for help in setting up his book signings Beth and Joan volunteered to help and get other volunteers. There is a X-C ski trek on that Saturday (Ranch2Ranch) and it might be a good idea to advertise the presentation at that event. (Chris Lee volunteered to talk to Diana Lynn Rau, the coordinator of the Ranch2Ranch event, and ask her if she would advertise the evening presentation either by giving out flyers or on the Grand Nordic website).
SPRING CAMPING TRIP (Tom Papathakis) Capitol Reef is the destination. He will fax three suggested dates for the trip on the first day we can send in our reservation. April 30-May 2---May 8-10---April 23-25.
CHANGES TO BY-LAWS (Bob Saint) Bob suggested two by-law changes for the next meeting. Add two categories of Board members. 1. Ex-officio (members that would be from outside the Wilderness Group members: for example, Forest Service officials. They would be on the board and would receive notification of the meetings but would not be able to vote on issues. 2. Emeritus members (members who have done a lot for the GCWG). They would be nominated by the board but be elected by the membership. Example: Roger & Joan Shaw. Another change to the by-laws would be to allow voting by e-mail. Jim Magill volunteered to write up these three by-law changes to be ready for the next board meeting in March.
MONARCH CABIN HOSTING (need new Cabin Hosting Coordinator). Nick Schade, (Forest Service) brought up changes for Cabin Hosting this coming season. The Forest Service is transitioning from 4 ½ to 3 people and they will no longer man the Monarch Lake Cabin with a full time FS ranger. They have two volunteers that will be there on Wednesdays and Thursdays. They are asking for GCWG volunteers to help man the cabin on Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays this coming year. (Or as many days as we can). Junco Cabin will still be ours to man over the weekends - Sat & Sun. After some discussion the consensus was that we would let the membership know about these changes before the spring meeting when members sign up for the cabin hosting. Al suggested that we ask people to sign up for three days if possible.
Another change that Nick brought up was the request by the Forest Service for volunteers to help out Wednesdays at the Granby Office thereby freeing up staff for school presentations, on-line work, etc. The Forest Service will be sending out a memo about this which would be for anyone interested, not just GCWG members.
Bob will also send out an e-mail to our membership. Nick said that there would be an information meeting on Jan. 27 at 1:00 4:00 p.m. and a training meeting on Feb. 4 from 9:00 a.m. to noon.
KNIGHTS RIDGE UPDATE (Nick Schade) Nothing different to report. The Forest Service is still planning to work on clearing the trail in early June. It will take about 10 days. The Wilderness Group will be invited to help in the middle blowdown areas a couple of days worth of clearing. Also there will be further work on the Columbine Lake project.
2020 VISION AND WILDERNESS STEWARTSHIP PERFORMANCE (WSP) (Nick Schade) The new program will target Wilderness characteristics. He will know more after the February Wilderness Managers meeting.
AT THIS TIME THE BOARD TEMPORARILY ADJOURNED FOR DINNER. (The meeting continued after the main course. Dessert was served after the meeting finally adjourned).
SCHEDULE FOR NEXT SUMMER'S ACTIVITIES Bob Saint & Nick Schade (If possible, they will try to schedule these activities so as not to conflict with other groups' events).
Monarch Lake Cabin Hosting - Friday, Saturday, Sunday (as discussed earlier)
Junco Cabin Hosting - Saturday & Sunday
FS Granby Office front desk volunteering Bob will send out e-mail to membership
Trail Work Days Knights Ridge (2 days), Columbine Lake (4 days), possible Devil's Thumb Project (Hi-Lo Trail)
Wilderness Hikes No (we have our orientation hikes already)
Walk for Wilderness focusing on kids Maybe
Granby Parade Yes Joan Shaw volunteered to coordinate
Public Presentations NO Not enough attendance for the amount of work needed to set up these events
Winter Park Alpine Affair Yes
Daisy Demolition Days - Yes
Spring/Fall Member Meetings Yes
Summer Picnic Yes (Tom Pathapakis will check on dates available for AA Barn)
National Public Lands Day - Yes
Orientation Hikes Yes (Chris Lee will call Ingrid to set up day of week)
Adventure Backpack Program Administration -- The Forest Service would like GCWG to take charge of this program 4 areas (Monarch, Junco, Granby office, Winter Park) Make sure that the packs have all materialsForest Service will pay for the materials a chairman/coordinator will be needed
HOW TO ATTRACT YOUNGER MEMBERS --- via Facebook/Twitter High School/Boy Scout Groups. Pro and con discussion. If Facebook/Twitter used, someone has to keep files up to date. Lot of time needed for this. Where can younger people be used? School age children can't come themselves need parents with them. There needs to be a special project for them to work on. Perhaps Daisy Days would be such an activity. Scouts can work on this sort of project. Gary volunteered to check with some Scout leaders. Also there might be a science club in the middle school or high school that might be interested in doing a project. We also need someone who is young to help draw his/her friends to our group.
MARCH BOARD MEETING Sunday, March 8, 2015. Roger and Joan Shaw volunteered to host this meeting.
SPRING MEETING Sunday, April 12 at the YMCA.
OLD BUSINESS/NEW BUSINESS Bob Saint Mentioned that he had recently read some articles about groups wanting more motorized trails and mountain bike trails. He thought that it might be a good idea to write an opinion/article about the need for wilderness trails for hiking. Not in a defensive mode but to let the public know that there IS a group that espouses stewardship of wilderness areas. He will write such an article and send out a first draft to the board.
ADJOURNMENT the meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Submitted by: Christine Lee, Secretary
Annual White Deer Party Notification to Members Sent out
John Fielder Presentation High School accepted Forest Service Letter as insurance requirement to use the auditorium. Still looking for a high school employee to volunteer to be at the event so that the $75 cost for wages can be waived.
Picnic Date Set Friday, July 24.