GCWG Board Meeting Minutes 1/13/13
Location: The board meeting was held at the home of Sue and Gary Perkins. The meeting followed a potluck dinner.
Attendance: Jim Magill, Doug Smith, Lisa Vonderharr, Tom Papathakis, Sue Perkins, Gary Perkins, Tom Whitten, Christine Lee, Al Rothenbach, Roger Shaw. Members: Pat Potter, Holly Whitten, Beth Collins, Stephen Lee, Joan Shaw, Toni Wujek.
Opening: The meeting was called to order by President Jim Magill at 7:45 p.m.
Minutes from the September 9, 2012 meeting were approved.
There was a presentation from the new Forest Service Wilderness representative, Nick Schade . He talked about the ten-year Wilderness Stewardship Challenge. Wilderness areas are graded on a point system. Some of the areas in Grand County need more points to bring them to a minimum level to meet the Challenge. There are grants available that groups such as GCWG can apply for and help the Forest Service in getting more points for the wilderness areas in our county, one being for new trailhead signage. It does require a matching commitment of money. Roger Shaw volunteered to work on such a grant with Nick. This hopefully would increase the wilderness education score for some of the wilderness areas. A MOTION WAS MADE BY BETH COLLINS THAT WE AUTHORIZE UP TO $2,000 AS A MATCH FOR A GRANT FOR SIGNAGE AND THAT ROGER SHAW WOULD WORK ON THIS GRANT WITH AN ASSIST FROM NICK. THE MOTION PASSED.
TREASURER'S REPORT: Tom Whitten reported that the balance in our account was $3795.00
WHITE DEER PARTY: Sunday, Jan. 27th at 5:30 p.m. The Board members traditionally bring chili. There is only one coffee pot so Joan and Roger will bring a second coffee pot. Joan will also take any unwanted and left over white deer gifts to Wilderness member shut-ins. Hosting will be shared by Toni Wujek and Ingrid Anderson.
SPRING MEETING: The date set for the spring meeting will be Sunday, April 7, 2013.
MARCH BOARD MEETING: The March Board meeting will be on Sunday, March 10 and will be hosted by Jim and Beth.
WEB SITE: Al asked that the board approve letting members sign up on line via Pay-Pal. There was unanimous approval.
SNOWSHOE HIKES: Members have been asking if GCWG would be having snowshoe hikes this winter. Volunteer leaders are wanted. Lisa volunteered to lead a hike on Friday, Feb 1 at 10:00 a.m. Place and destination TBA.
SPRING CAMPING TRIP: Will be led by Al and Toni and another couple. Dates: May 7,8, 9, Tuesday to Thursday nights. Destination will be Zion.
WORKSHOPS : A Forest Service workshop was held in Denver and attended by Jim Magill, Beth Collins, Al Rothenbach and Toni Wujek. Jim Magill mentioned that there were some interesting talks given. One was on picas and the loss of their habitat. We could also have seminars and workshops for our members. For example, a first-aid workshop.
T-SHIRTS: Lisa reported that she had looked into getting non-cotton wicking t-shirts. Some prices were $9.00 for men's short sleeve, $18.00 for long-sleeve . Active Images is a supplier that she was working with. After some discussion it was agreed that she order some medium to extra-large t-shirts for us to sell to our members.
With thanks to the Perkins for their hospitality the meeting adjourned at 8:40.
Submitted: Christine Lee, Secretary