GCWG Board Meeting Minutes 1/13/19
Location: The meeting was held at the Magill/Collins’ house. Appetizers were at 5:00 with dinner at 5:30 p.m. followed by the board meeting.
Board members present: Toni Wujek, Bob Saint, Dick Sprague, Monica Sandstrom, Beth Collins, Jack Reichert, and Paisley.
GCWG members: Al Rothenbach, Jim Magill, and Ann Steers.
The meeting began at 6:07 p.m.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES. Upon a motion by Bob Saint, second by Monica Sandstrom, the Minutes from the September Board meeting were approved, as modified to correctly indicate the hosting days at Junco are Saturday and Sunday.
TREASURER'S REPORT – Bob Saint – The account balance as of January 13, 2019 is $5512.78. For the calendar year 2018, the total inflows were $1826.30, and the total outflows were $2026.93 for a total negative $199.63 for the year. The major cash outflows were: $588 for insurance, $337.33 for member meetings, $350 for newsletter, $300 for radios, $139.85 for internet. Major inflows were: Membership dues $1301.17, ANRA pass sales $ 433.16, cat hole trowels $175, donation from Roger Shaw memorial $185.55, clothing $308.56.
MEMBERSHIP REPORT – Bob Saint –Currently there are 54 paid households and 29 households that have not renewed their membership. The Board members went through the list of those who have not renewed and volunteered to contact them. Membership is down from the last year. It was discussed whether we should try to get new members to come to the Spring meeting on May 18th. Toni recommended taking out adds in the papers to inform the public about our group and the Spring meeting. There was a motion by Monica, second by Dick to authorize $150 to put advertisements in newspapers about the Spring meeting. Toni will prepare the ads and contact the papers.
TRAINING VIDEOS-Toni and Bob: Toni will talk to Ann Rosati about doing two 15 minute videos. one on Wilderness Rules and Permits in the Indian Peaks by Bob and another on Cabin hosting by Toni which will be posted on GCWG website.
NOMINATING COMMITTEE: Bob Saint, Gary Perkins, and Beth Collins are at the end of their three year terms. It is the second term for Bob and Gary so they can’t be on the Board. Bob Saint, Monica Sandstrom and Toni Wujek volunteered to serve on the nominating committee. They will try to put forth names to the March Board meeting. If anyone is interested or has suggestions of persons who might be interested, please contact Bob, Monica or Toni. MOST IMPORTANT a person is needed to take over the cabin hosting scheduling.
REPORT FROM JACK REICHERT: He contacted the Forest Service about concerns of the Board. Clayton wanted to attend the Board Meeting; but because of the government shut down,
he could not attend. On the back- country permit system, Clayton reported to Jack that because the Boulder district did not want to change the permit system and the Sulpher Ranger district and Boulder district use the same system for the Indian Peaks Wilderness permits, we will have to use the old system this year, but it should be changed the next year. For this year we will still use the spread sheets to issue back country permits. However, in recognition of the concerns of the GCWG volunteers, the Forest Service is going to assign a staff person to Monarch cabin on weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and Holidays. Clayton also said that in order to have better communications with the cabins, the Forest Service will provide a new solar panel at Monarch. The panel will be installed on top of the restroom building which has more sun than the cabin roof. GCWG will help dig the trenches and put in the conduit to connect the solar panel to the batteries in Monarch Cabin. The solar panel on top of Monarch cabin will be moved to Junco so that it will have to two panels to charge its batteries.
CABIN HOSTING: The present plan is that GCWG will still be hosting at Monarch Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and some Holidays and at Junco Saturday and Sunday and some holidays, but there will be a Forest Service staff person at Monarch for Saturday and Sunday and some holidays. Having Forest Service support will reduce the number of volunteers needed for hosting and make volunteering easier because the Forest Service’s expertise is available to address problems and back country permit issues. The Board discussed trying to have a week day for volunteers to work who did not like to work on weekends, but at this time an additional day of hosting might be too much.
LEAD POSITIONS: Many members volunteer to help the mission GCWG including:
a. Light Trail Work Hikes (Joyce Clair)
b. Trail head hosting – Not doing that this year.
c. Monarch cabin coordinator – Dick Sprague
d. Junco cabin coordinator – Bob Drickey
e. HTA/GCWG Trail work coordination – Beth Collins
f. Weed warrior – Beth Collins
g. Trail head registration – Stephen Lee
h. Newsletter – Holly Whitten
i. Clothing- Bambi Statz and Sue Perkins
j. Art Affair-Sue Perkins
k. Fourth of July- Sue Perkins
l. Grand Lake Regatta in August-Bob Saint
n. Smokey Bear- Chis Lee
o. Bird Count -Al Rothenbach
p. Voice of the Wilderness (VOW) - Holly Whitten
DETAILED JOB DESCRIPTIONS NEEDED: Jack requested job descriptions from the Board members who are leaving the Board or their current lead positions. He asked for descriptions from: Gary Perkins-Vice President, Bob Saint-Treasurer and Membership, Dick Sprague -Cabin host scheduling.
ON-LINE SIGN UP SYSTEM. On-line signup system – Al Rothenbach: There is an on-line system that members can use to sign up for cabin hosting. Some members use the on-line system and others call the scheduling person to sign up. It is planned for this year to have the sign-up system operational on April 1st. Instructions on how to use the system will be emailed to members who can then use the instructions to sign up on line. Members can also sign up at the Spring meeting May 18th by writing their name on the sign-up chart.
POSSIBLE GRANT ACTIONS- The Spring 2019 Grant Cycle for the Open Lands, Rivers and Trails Advisory Committee (OLRTAC) The Application Form and the Guidelines for Trails grants are at: http://co.grand.co.us/851/Open-Lands-Rivers-and-Trails-Advisory-Co. The timelines is:
i. January 2, 2019: Applications posted
i. February 20, 2019: Applications due
iii. March 26, 2019: OLRTAC makes recommendations to Grand County BOCC
Open Rivers and Trails can be used for a grant to repair the bridge at Monarch since it would qualify as existing trail maintenance. The Forest Service would have to provide figures on the costs.
VOLUNTEER HOURS - Toni Wujek: Reporting hours is getting better (4,000 hours). Trail hikes are reported by the group leader, but individual hours are still not being fully reported.
VOICE OF THE WILDERNESS/SMART SIZING REPORT – Bob Saint: Voice of the Wilderness is making comments. Bob wants to reinstate the VOW sub-group and have notices sent out to the members about comment periods and criteria. He would like members to get notices of anything to do with Hot Sulphur Ranger district and Grand County so members can comment. Also, Wilderness Watch sends out information about legislation. Bob will look at this information and send out relevant material to members.
NATIONAL WILDERNESS STEWARDSHIP ALLIANCE UPDATE - Bob Saint: GCWG belongs to this organization ($75 annual dues). NWSA has information on grants, conducts webinars, and has information on its web site including information on invasive species and long distance trails in the Wilderness.
WILDERNESS OUTREACH, GUNNISON – Bob Saint: Bob gave a report on this conference at the Fall meeting and will include an article in the newsletter.
GIFT CARDS: The Board discussed purchasing grocergy store gift card for Forest Service employees because of the hardships during the government shut down, but they could not be given from the GCWG funds.
VOLUNTEER BADGES – Al will see which people want to order badges.
a. Jan 26 - White deer party.
b. March 10 – Board meeting
c. May 18 - Spring membership (note date change)
d. June 9 – Board meeting
e. Aug 11 – Summer picnic
f. Sept 22 – Board meeting
WHITE DEER PARTY. The board decided to forgo the gift exchange at the white dear party and instead have a social meeting. Members will be encouraged to bring a donation for Mountain Family food bank, The Food Bank will be contacted to see what commodities are especially needed. Board members will provide a variety of chili dishes. Jack will send out a notice to the members on the “white deer” party’s new focus, and list what to bring, and include a notice that members are encouraged to be good conservationist and bring their own table service, however paper plates etc. will be available.
REGION II WILDERNESS RANGER TRAINING. Ralph Swain is conducting training for wilderness Rangers at St. Louis Creek Campground June 3-7. Two members of GCWG may attend and then they can disseminate information back to our group. Dick Sprague will discuss attending with some members who might be interested and get back to the Board.
Upon motion by Monica, second by Paisley and a unanimous vote the meeting was adjourned at 8:54.
The next Board Meeting is Sunday March, 10th at Jack Reichert’s house.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Beth Collins, Secretary