GCWG Board Meeting Minutes 1/19/14

Location: The board meeting was held at the home of Holly & Tom Whitten. The meeting followed a potluck dinner.

Attendance: Jim Magill, Doug Smith, Lisa Vonderharr, Tom Whitten, Christine Lee, Al Rothenbach, Roger Shaw, Bob Saint Members/Guests: Stephen Lee, Pat Potter, Toni Wujek, Joan Shaw, Holly Whitten, Ann Steers, Nick Schade (USFS).

Jim Magill opened the meeting at 7:30 p.m. Most of the meeting was concerning the 50th Anniversary Wilderness events. He asked that Nick Schade of the Forest Service report on the 50th Anniversary and the meeting with GCWG attendees on January 9 at the Forest Service Headquarters in Granby. This meeting was attended by Bob Saint, Ed Jackson, Reid Armstrong (FS), Christine Lee, Jim Magill and Jim & Joyce Clair.

Nick presented a rough 50th Anniversary events calendar that could be used for any newspaper articles or press releases. This calendar needs to be fleshed out with specifics but included are hikes, walks, trail projects, historical reenactments, speakers, video presentations and the annual picnic with dates from April (Spring Meeting) to early October (Wilderness speaker).

There were suggestions for hikes in the wilderness areas – Byers, Nystrom, St. Louis Lake. Hopes were that especially for the 50th anniversary the road to St. Louis Lake would be opened (just for that day hike). Nick believed that might be possible. The wilderness hikes would be on Saturdays during June, July, August and September, open to all and advertised as such. There would be two Walk for Wilderness hikes suitable for children, one in Pioneer Park in Hot Sulphur Springs in June and one in Fraser in August. Christine Lee will coordinate the specifics for the walks and hikes.

On July 12 a video presentation would be held at the historic Fraser Church. Toni Wujek would coordinate the refreshments – beverages & cookies.

On July 21-23 – construct a new trail in the Vasquez Peak Wilderness. Staying overnight at the Broome Hut with room for 16 people. The question was raised whether we could have the llamas bring up supplies. Probably yes. Doug Smith & Nick Schade will plan, coordinate and promote this venture.

On August 24th we would have our annual picnic. A hike this morning could also be planned. Bob Saint asked whether we could ask local officials to join us. This seemed like a good idea. After some discussion it seemed that having a speaker on this occasion was not a good idea- too much going on. Nick thought that instead we could show a short video/slide show about wilderness which could play in the background as people talked and ate.

September 6-7. High Lonesome Trail work. Higher up Devils Thumb trail – doing check dam steps, etc. Miles and his Forest Service crew would help.

Early October – Wilderness Speaker – Bob Saint suggested a political speaker – either David Skaggs, Scott McInnis or Pat Schroeder – all of whom were instrumental in getting wilderness areas in Grand County. In addition, perhaps a representative from either national or regional Forest Service.

July/August – Ed Jackson volunteered to plan/coordinate, if possible, a Grand County Historical Characters Wilderness reenactment for both Monarch and Junco cabins.

More suggestions - Toni W. suggested that we also have a talk/video about the 50th anniversary, perhaps at the Granby Library. A GCWG/50th Anniversary presence at some of the parades that we have during the summer in Grand County. Joan Shaw was interested in the Granby 4th of July parade. Ask for volunteers at the Spring Meeting. Joan also made a great suggestion that the Forest Service print bumper stickers advertising the 50th Anniversary. Nick reported that the National Forest Service has many other events/ads in the works (Sept. 30th is the anniversary date). Toni W. asked what about wilderness education/information in the schools – Nick reported that the Forest Service is already talking about this.

Ski-Hi News will print our calendar of events but it still needs to have most of the dates filled in, especially for hikes and walks. The calendar has to be filled in by the end of February so that Ski-Hi News can put it out by the end of March. A poster with both FS and GCWG logos could also be printed which would be put up in various areas around the county. A suggestions was made to put in both our website and the 50th anniversary website addresses.

Articles about the wilderness areas should go into the newspaper once a month. A suggestion was made that one of the articles could be about the Forest Service – how it came to be, what it does, etc. Bob Saint may write up the first article. Joan volunteered to write an article about Junco/Monarch. Roger S. and Holly W. also volunteered to write articles.

There was some discussion about Columbine Lake Work Day – we need to have a designated trail set up so hikers don't keep making their own trails into the wetlands. A letter should also be sent to Teresa Martinez (FS) about the Knights Ridge Trail with a copy of the letter to Senator Udall.

SPRING CAMPING TRIP: Bob Saint & Beth Collins volunteered to be the leaders/coordinators for this trip. The trip destination will probably be Dinosaur National Monument area. Date will be announced.he March Board meeting will be on Sunday, March 10 and will be hosted by Jim and Beth.

VOLUNTEER HOURS COORDINATOR: We need a new coordinator. Al Rothenbach will put in a notice for this job on our GCWG website. If any board member knows of a good candidate let Jim know.

White Deer Party – Sunday, Feb. 9. Board members will bring chili as the main course. Toni W. will bring two crockpots and be reimbursed for the extra ingredients.
Board Meeting – Sunday, March 9 – Will be hosted at Bob Saint's house.
Spring Meeting – Sunday, April 13.

Meeting adjourned: 8:50 p.m.

Submitted: Christine Lee, Secretary

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