GCWG Board Meeting Minutes 3/10/19
Location: The meeting was held at the Reichert's house. Appetizers were at 5:00 with dinner at 5:30 p.m. followed by the board meeting.
Board members present: Toni Wujek, Bob Saint, Monica Sandstrom, Beth Collins, Jack Reichert, and Paisley..
GCWG members: Al Rothenbach, Jim Magill, and Ann Steers.
Forest Service: Clayton Cornwell.
The meeting began at 6:09 p.m.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES. Upon a motion by Bob Saint, second by Monica Sandstrom, the Minutes from the January Board meeting were approved.
TREASURER'S REPORT Bob Saint The account balance as of March 9, 2019 is $5752.87. From January 1, 2019 to March 9, 2019 the total inflows were $240.09 and total outflows - $367.42 for a Net Total of -$127.33. There were two transactions from 2018 that haven't cleared yet: Check # 565 to NWSA for $75 and pay pal transfers of $160.72. In addition, the following items were received but not deposited yet: $20 check for dues, three $21 pay pal payments for dues totaling $60 (note pay pal retains $1 from each payment), and four $15 payments for name badges totaling $60.
MEMBERSHIP REPORT Bob Saint Currently there are 65 paid households and 19 household that have not renewed their membership. Again the Board members went through the list of those who have not renewed and volunteered to contact them and Bob is going to send out individual emails. Membership is down from the last year. Toni will prepare ads to put in the papers to inform the public about our group and the Spring meeting on May 18th and will contact Diana Lynn Rau to put something in the paper.
TRAINING VIDEOS-Toni and Bob: Ann Rosati is willing to help with videos. Bob will talk about Wilderness Rules and back country permits in Indian Peaks. Toni is going to talk on Cabin hosting. She may have one for Monarch and one for Junco. The videos will be posted on GCWG website. There has been a problem with drones and their regulation. Drones can't harass animals, nor can they take off or land in Wilderness. Clayton is going to review the online Cabin Handbooks and give any suggestions he may have.
NOMINATING COMMITTEE STATUS - Bob Saint, Monica Sandstrom, Toni Wujek. The Committee will contact persons who might be interested in becoming Board members and report back by March 30th . After the Spring meeting the new board will elect the Vice President and Treasurer. The Board discussed whether Membership should be handled by the Treasurer or perhaps it would be better to divide these tasks. The Committee will also search for person to be the Cabin Hosting Scheduler (note change in title) and report to the Board.
LEAD POSITIONS - The Board discussed the accuracy of the Lead Positions which are as follows:
GRANTS - The Board had a long discussion about grants. There are two grant cycles Fall and Spring with the Open Lands, Rivers and Trails Advisory Committee (OLRTAC). The next Grant cycle is in the Fall. There are also grants through National Wilderness Stewardship Alliance. For grants and money transfers there needs to be a relationship with the Forest Service from which GCWG can transfer money. Grant projects submitted are submitted by organizations with a support letter by USDA. Our group might want to network and join into another group's project. HTA uses grants. HTA is doing well with making trails and decommissioning etc. Beth should contact HTA on their projects and what to sign up for. Also, Clayton will look into what grant money could be used on trails or employees. This summer the Forest Service will have only two wilderness rangers. Clayton is looking at job corps programs for interns to work on trails. The Forest Service is working on programs to use interns. Jack will coordinate with Clayton on different grants after Clayton knows what is needed. Andy Borek, the Wilderness Ranger, is a part time employee and is not working for the Forest Service yet so the Forest Service's needs are not fully known. For Grand County trail funding, it is necessary to consider what Grand County thinks is important. For instance, the Continental Divide Trail is important to the County and to Grand Lake. Clayton suggests a meeting with Andy in May, or before, if possible, to see what needs to be done. The Forest Service is planning to do bridge construction at Monarch this Summer. GCWG could help with this. HTA SUMMER TRAIL WORK PROJECTS HTA has grants for trail work. Beth Collins will contact HTA and have sign up information for the Spring meeting.
CHANGES IN THE WHITE DEER PARTY. It appeared that the changes in forgoing the white deer gift exchange and the addition of the Bambi quiz were well received although one person did complain about dropping the gift exchange. The reduction of waste by having the members bring their own place settings was good. People enjoyed making donation to Mountain Family. Perhaps this event will be renamed the Winter Social Picnic.
MOVE BOARD MEETINGS. The Board discussed moving the Board meetings to different day/time/location?
MEMBERSHIP SURVEY. Because of the many changes that are being made especially with having more support by the Forest Service during week- ends, the Board decided not to have a survey at this time.
VOLUNTEER HANDBOOK The Board considered a volunteer handbook like the one that they have in Steamboat; however, there is a handbook on the website. A spiral bound pamphlet would probably be too expensive. The Board postponed an update until after any revisions were made this year.
VOLUNTEER HOURS - Toni Wujek. The final tally for last year was 4773.5 volunteer hours with a value calculated to the Forest Service of $101,966.91. The records do not get in the Forest Service system if not in by October. Clayton will review the hours reported because there are a lot of different categories.
VOICE OF THE WILDERNESS Bob Saint receives alerts on gas and oil etc., but nothing that impacts us here. He will check the websites with wilderness alerts and forward important ones to the Board and to the membership as relevant.
NATIONAL WILDERNESS STEWARDSHIP ALLIANCE UPDATE - Bob Saint. There is an interesting webinar about managing long distance trails in wilderness that Bob signed up for it. There is an April webinar on a Bird app and helping bird census.
HEATHER MACSLARROW from the Society for Wilderness Stewardship plans to attend our Spring meeting. She would be an interesting speaker, but Ralph and Clayton will already be speaking, however Clayton will introduce her to the group.
CLOTHING INVENTORY Bambi Statz/Sue Perkins need to order shirts. They will take orders at the meeting.
VOLUNTEER BADGES Bob and Al Would like to do it on PayPal
Meeting Adjourned at 9:10.
Next Board Meeting Sunday June 9th. We are considering having it at a local restaurant like Brickhouse Forty. Jack will call them and see if they are available.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Beth Collins, Secretary