GCWG Board Meeting Minutes 3/11/18
Location: The meeting was held at Dick Sprague's and Donna Ferber's house. Appetizers and dinner were at 5:00 p.m. followed by the board meeting at 6:28 p.m.
present: Board members: Jack Reichert, Al Rothenbach, Bob Saint, Gary Perkins, Dick Sprague, Monica Sandstrom, Paisley, Beth Collins. Special Guest: Clayton Cornwell, U.S. Forest Service. He is the Hot Sulphur Ranger District Recreation Staff Officer. GWG members: Toni Wujek, Sue Perkins, Donna Ferber, Ann Steers
APPROVAL OF THE JANUARY 6, 2018 BOARD MINUTES. Motion by Bob Saint, Seconded by Al Rothenbach. The Minutes from the January Board meeting were approved.
TREASURER'S REPORT – Bob Saint – Reported that the Opening balance is $6079.83. Present balance in account is $7116.93. No checks were issued. The Roger Shaw Memorial Fund has a balance of $982.
MEMBERSHIP REPORT – Bob Saint – As of 3/11/18 there are 78 Households (16 have not renewed). The Membership for 2017 was 94 households (156 members). The Board reviewed the list of members who have not renewed their membership and Board members volunteered to contact members who might have forgotten to renew.
NOMINATING COMMITTEE REPORT – Bob, Gary & Paisley – Al is going off the Board, Janet Harrington resigned. Jack and Paisley have agreed to renew their terms. Toni is recommended to the Board. It was decided not to replace Janet Harrington's place. The Members will vote on the recommended Board members. Jack has agreed to be President for another year. The following Board Members have agreed to be officers: Jack Reichert for President, Gary Perkins for Vice President, Beth Collins for Secretary, Bob Saint for treasurer and membership.
ROGER SHAW MEMORIAL – The event is scheduled for July 27th. Roger's family will be there. There is a Forest Service limit of 75 people. The Committee is looking to purchase a bench with a plaque to be placed in the Junco Cabin area. A concrete bench for Erie Company would cost about $1645. There will be a general email on how to make a donation.
VOLUNTEER HOURS – Toni Wujek – The number of reported hours is up. Last year GCWG members reported 4600 plus hours. It is estimated that this is 75 to 80 percent of the actual hours volunteered. The Forest Service multiplier for valuing volunteer hours was $21.36 per hour, but it may be more now.
CABIN/TRAIL HOSTING - Dick Sprague – Monarch Cabin is scheduled to open May 19th for Friday, Saturday, Sunday and holiday hosting; orientation is scheduled for June 2nd. Junco is scheduled to open June 23rd for Saturday and Sunday hosting and orientation is scheduled for July 7th. Dick will prepare the sign-up sheets for both cabins. Dick also volunteered to be the lead person for Monarch Cabin this year. Andy is going to do training on area and Wilderness regulations at the Spring Meeting. Trail Head Hosting will continue this summer. There are 8 identified trail heads that will be covered. There was a discussion about streamlining the pick up and drop off of supplies and obtaining the use of a Forest Service radio. John Simmons used to coordinate the supplies. John Simmons will be leaving at the end of July.
LIGHT TRAIL WORK HIKES (Joyce Clair) – Paisley – The hikes will probably be on Thursday. Paisley plans to give a short course on pruning and litter spotting and pick up. There will be a sign-up sheet at the Spring Meeting. The Board discussed how to relay information to the Forest Service about the condition of trails including information on downed trees, drainage etc. Jack is going to contact Andy Borek and figure out how they would like information reported.
ON-LINE SIGN UP SYSTEM – Al Rothenbach – Al is looking into an online sign up system for cabins hosting etc., but there are problems especially with cancelations and getting new coverage.
COORDINATOR RESPONSIBILITIES (JOB DESCRIPTIONS) – Jack Reichert – Jack is working on job descriptions for the various lead volunteers such as cabin hosting, trail projects/hikes etc. The Board is looking for a person to coordinated with Headwater Trails Alliance. It was discussed that if there were trail work that HTA is doing that GCWG is interested in, then GCWG members could work with the HTA but get the volunteer credit as a GCWG member. Jack R is going to contact HTA to get the list of their projects. Jack, Paisley and Monica will go over the list and determine which projects fit the GCWG mission.
WILDERNESS ISSUES – Bob Saint – Bob is keeping us informed on Wilderness issues. Bennet and Polis are proposing an Act to create two new Conservation Areas. There is a push to allow recreational shooting in wilderness areas. Bob is going to prepare an article for GCWG newsletter.
NATIONAL WILDERNESS STEWARDSHIP ALLIANCE – Bob Saint – The annual fee is $75. It was moved by Bob, seconded by Dick, and approved by the Board to authorize the payment of dues for another two years.
GRANT STATUS – At this time, GCWG is not applying for any grants.
CLOTHING INVENTORY/NEW CLOTHING 2018 – Sue Perkins – Sue did a clothing inventory. Bambi and Sue contacted Active Images in Winter Park, looked at some different clothing alternatives. Sue showed us some Performance non-cotton shirts that are available for purchase from the company in units of 24 in a mixture of sizes. Board members requested that we look into long sleeve shirts with buttons, collars, and SPF. Al Rothenbach is going to get new badges.
GCWG VISION – Discussion on what GCWG can do to help the forest service in next 2 / 5 years was continued to another meeting.
LIABILITY ISSUES - Beth Collins-The Board discussed the need for purchasing insurance and the cost. We are going to contact other groups that do service for the Forest Service and find out if they purchase insurance and why. The GCWG biggest liability seems to be that alcohol, although not provided, is allowed at some of our events.
PUBLIC OUTREACH – Al moved, Dick seconded, and Board approved payment to print more GCWG cards and pamphlets for distribution to the public.
PAID AD IN THE PAPER – Toni volunteered to write an article for the paper. Monica moved, Beth seconded, and Board approved the payment of an ad in the papers informing public of meetings.
NONMEMBERS ATTENDING TRAIL WORK HIKES AND OTHER GCWG PROJECTS – Jack Reichert – All members sign in on the sheets. Persons who are not members will be allowed to sign in as Prospective members.
MOTION TO ADJOURN – 9:00 p.m. Motion by Dick and seconded by Monica.
UPCOMING EVENTS – Spring Meeting April 14th Rowley Room YMCA. Summer Picnic August 12th AA Barn.
Submitted by Beth Collins