GCWG Board Meeting Minutes 3/12/17

Location: The meeting was held at the Beth Collins's. Appetizers and dinner were at 5:00 p.m. followed by the board meeting.

Board members present: Tom Whitten, Al Rothenbach, Bob Saint, Gary Perkins, Janet Harrington, Paisley, Beth Collins, Jack Reichert..

CGWG members: Toni Wujek, Sue Perkins, Jim Magill, Ann Steers

The meeting began at 6:36p.m.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES. The Minutes from the January Board meeting were approved.

TREASURER'S REPORT – Tom Whitten – Balance in our account is $5347.24, $1000 of which is committed to the Forest Service.

MEMBERSHIP REPORT – Al Rothenbach – Mike Braddy informed Al that there are currently 65 memberships and a total of 114 members. 17 memberships that may be active have not renewed. Board members will contact those members.

VOLUNTEER HOURS – Toni Wujek – There will be a new reporting year that begins October 1st and ends September 30th. The last annual reporting had 700 fewer hours reported than the previous year. Toni finds it very frustrating that so many GCWG activities are not being reported. The statistics on volunteer hours help the Forest Service. Different ideas were discussed to foster more reporting of volunteer hours. At the Annual Meeting the need to report hours will be discussed and some of the top reporting members will be acknowledged. who have reported hours will be recognized.

CLOTHING INVENTORY – Janet Harrington – Clothing boxes were moved to Magill/Collin's. Clothing boxes will be brought to the Annual meeting for sale and inventory. The Board discussed not keeping as much inventory and clothes.

TRAIL BOX REGISTRATION – No report at this time.

VOICE OF THE WILDERNESS – Holly Whitten – GCWG did not make a comment on the Forest Service trail plan. Holly and Bob, who made individual comments, will be able to make a protest by April 3rd if they feel one is appropriate. In general, it seems that the Headwaters Trail Alliance favors greater economic development and wants more bike trails.

NAME TAGS – Al Rothenbach – Al reported that he only had 3 more orders so far. The cut off for orders is Friday, March 17th.

MEMBERSHIP IN NATIONAL WILDERNESS STEWARDSHIP ALLIANCE – The Board discussed the costs and benefits of GCWG becoming a member of the NWSA for $75 a year. Beth moved to join for a year, Paisley seconded the motion. The motion carried by a vote of 5 to 2.

NOMINATING COMMITTEE REPORT – Gary Perkins & Al Rothenbach – The Committee is still looking for three possible Board members. The Board members will meet after the Annual Spring Meeting to elect President, Treasurer, and Secretary.

INSURANCE – Beth will send in papers for a quote for nonprofit insurance.

RADIOS – The Board discussed the purchase of radio or location device for GCWG use on hikes and trail work. Gary and Jack will talk to the FS about getting on Cottonwood channel and will look into the types of radios and costs.

THURSDAY CONCERTS WINTER PARK – Beth will contact Winter Park Visitor's Center about GCWG having a booth at Thursday concerts and report before annual meeting. Brews and Crews Fest in Grand Lake (August ?) - Bob will find out the date of the Brews & Crews Fest in Grand Lake which supports watershed protection so the GCWG could put up our booth at that event.

SPRING MEMBERS MEETING - April 9, 2017 – The Board decided that the main dish would be chicken from City Market. The meeting will include: 1) Sign Ups for Monarch, Junco, Trail Head Hosting, Daisy Demolition and other projects; 2) Discussion of Volunteer hours, participation in the Granby Fourth of July parade/ park booth; 3) Nomination and election of new Board members. Board Members will meet after the Annual Spring Meeting and elect Treasurer, Secretary and President.

SPRING CAMPING TRIP – Will be held on April 24-27, 2017 at Snow Canyon State Park near St. George, Utah. The leaders are Jerry & Carolyn Stahl and Doris & Dave Klein. The camping trip is full.


WILDERNESS STEWARDSHIP TRAINING - Discussed GCWG trail information on May 20th which is also Colorado's first ever Colorado Public Lands Day. We would like to have many members come for public land and trail information including assessment and minor repair of trails when out on hikes. We should have more information at Spring Meeting on speaker etc.

CABIN HOSTING – discussed dates for hosting and procedures. Back Country permits will be handled the same way as last year. Friday is a call in to the FS. On Saturday, Sunday and Holidays, Monarch volunteers can call/radio the FS person on duty and Junco can radio the FS person on duty. To aid the Forest Service as much as possible, the Cabin hosts will check and stock the toilets, sweep the floor and if possible empty trash using rubber gloves. If there is a big mess, the hosts should call the FS.

MONARCH LAKE – 1. Still need someone to help with Monarch Lake Cabin. Doris Klein is willing to do half of the season but would like someone else to do the second half. Duties include monitoring and stocking the cabin with ANRA passes, maps, pamphlets, and other supplies. Retrieving the money from the sale of passes to buy more passes from the Forest Service and send the proceeds to the Treasurer. 2. ANRA passes and Back Country permits will be handled the same as last year with a few procedures changed such as telephone numbers etc. Forest Service said they would install battery operated light in closet. There may be a solar powered panel to charge the radio batteries. Al believes he can open safe so we can keep money and permits there.

TRAILHEAD HOSTING – Bob said that we will host the popular areas only.

TRAIL HOSTING – NAME CHANGED to TRAIL AMBASSADOR. Any time we hike a trail and wear our GCWG volunteer t-shirts, tags or caps can be used as volunteer hours and should be reported. Those hikes are now designated as trail ambassador instead of trail host.

GRANBY PARADE/PARK – Discussed whether GCWG should participate in the parade and/or the park activities on the July 4th and decided determine members support at the Spring Meeting.

COLUMBINE TRAIL work – Jack is going to contact Forest Service about what needs to be done and possible dates.

With no other business to discuss the meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Submitted by: Beth Collins

Grand County Wilderness Group Schedule of Events for Summer 2017

Monarch Lake Cabin Hosting – Friday/Saturday/Sunday – Sunday, May 21 to Sunday, September 17 (including Monday, May 29, Monday, July 3 Monday, September 4)

Junco Lake Cabin Hosting – Saturday/Sunday – Starting Saturday, June 24 to Sunday, September 10 (including Monday, July 3; Tuesday, July 4; Monday, September 4)

Orientation Hikes – Joyce Clair Coordinator. Thursdays – June ?? to August ??

Trailhead Hosting – Saturdays – Tentative Dates:

April 9 – Spring Meeting and Potluck
April 24-27 – Spring Camping Trip – Snow Canyon State Park, Utah
May 23 - Spring Bird Trip - Arapaho National Wildlife Refuge near Walden
May ?? – HTA Trails Night 2015 – Fraser Outdoor Activity Center
May 20 – Wilderness Stewardship Training (Also Colorado Public Lands Day)
June 3 – Monarch Lake Cabin Hosting Orientation
July 4 – Granby Parade (?) and Picnic in the Park
July 15 – Junco Cabin Hosting Orientation
July DBT – Columbine Lake Trail Re-route
July 22-23 – Winter Park Alpine Art Affair
August 3 (Thursday)– Daisy Demolition Day – Meet at 9:00 am at Monarch Lake
August 6 – Annual Picnic – 5:30 pm at Forest Service Double A Barn
August ?? - Spirit of the Lake Regatta Brews & Crews Fest
August DBT – Encampment Al and Bob to determine where and when
September 30 – National Public Lands Day

For those of you who like to “Save the Date” way in advance: next year's Annual Picnic is August 12, 2018 at the Double A Barn.

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