GCWG Board Meeting Minutes 3/13/16

Location: The meeting was held at Holly & Tom Whitten's house.

Board members present: Al Rothenbach, Bob Saint, Tom Whitten, Jim Magill, Christine Lee, Gary Perkins, Paisley, Jack Reichert, Nick Schade (Forest Service). CGWG members: Stephen Lee, Toni Wujek, Holly Whitten, Ann Steers

The meeting began at 6:25. Minutes of the January 10 meeting were approved.

TREASURER'S REPORT – Tom Whitten – Balance in our account, $5323.47. Joan Shaw fund balance, $1137.01.

MEMBERSHIP REPORT – Al Rothenbach – Will be sending out renewal reminders before our April meeting.

FOREST SERVICE REPORT – Nick Schade – Reported that Andy Borek (new lead wilderness ranger) will be coordinating with GCWG. The FS got a grant of about $27,750 and a $7,000 grant for housing. He is hoping to have six positions this summer: two Student Conservation Assn. interns, two college (CSU) interns & Cory (seasonal ranger) plus Izzie who will be back but working on non-motorized trails this summer. If he can hire the CSU interns they might be able to help at the Monarch Lake cabin this summer. Additional signs for Indian Peaks (Roaring Forks, Devil's Thumb) are in the works (using money from the Joan Shaw Memorial fund).

Bob asked to have someone from the Forest Service come to the April member meeting. Nick said he won't be able to come but will try to have someone from the Forest Service come, preferably Andy Borek. Craig Magwire retires April 1. Bob will invite him to attend our April meeting.

On the subject of trailhead registration boxes: some new ones are needed and some of the old ones need to be fixed up. A date to work on this project was set for May 6-7.

The Wilderness Stewardship Training session is set for Saturday, May 28. Suggestions for publicity were: Channel 18 and articles in Sky-Hi News along with putting all the info on the GCWG website and e-mails to our members. Bob will also invite the Indian Peaks Wilderness Alliance. Another suggestion was to push the session to high school students and their parents. This would be another venue to talk to them about other events that our group has. (Chris Lee volunteered to talk to Thom Schnellinger (MPHS principal) and Jackie Schnellinger (MPHS counselor).

VOICE OF THE WILDERNESS – Holly Whitten - Nick Schade discussed the Forest Service plan for designated mountain bike trails he was espousing to the HTA and his own managers. Holly presented maps that showed areas changed because of use. She asked everyone to send comments (as individuals) to the Forest Service that we want designated trails (biking only, hiking only and even fat tire biking only). These comments are due by March 18. She also requested that, if needed, we can use some of GCWG money to pay the person who did the maps. Okayed by the board.

VOLUNTEER HOURS – Toni Wujek – Al Rothenbach reported that there was an increase of 500 hrs. over 2015. The hours reported by the coordinators of events are okay but most individuals do not report their hours, especially for trail hosting. This topic will be on the agenda at the spring meeting.

CLOTHING INVENTORY – Janet Harrington & Sue Perkins will check on the inventory we have and order the sizes that are low.

TRAIL REGISTRATION FORMS – Stephen Lee – Has a few registration forms that have not been turned in yet. He has spoken to or will speak to those compilers.

NAME TAGS – Al Rothenbach – There are 23 orders for name tags.

UPDATED BYLAWS – Jim Magill – The new bylaws have been put into print and were signed by President Bob Saint and Secretary Christine Lee.

GRANBY/WINTER PARK ROTARY BINGO – Bob Saint – We have a request to send an e-mail to our members about the Granby/Winter Park Rotary Bingo event on Thursday, April 7 which will benefit the Fraser/Granby Trail. After some discussion the board members agreed to this request. Either Bob or Al will send out a notification to our members.

CATHOLE TROWELS – Bob Saint – A discussion on whether or not to buy these trowels. Our cost is $2.40 for a minimum order of $300.00 plus shipping. We could sell these for $5.00. Give to Forest Service to sell to overnight campers. Sell at the Art/Affair and Granby Parade Booth. MOTION: Have Bob Saint purchase the cathole trowels (minimum order of $300.00) and sell them for $5.00. The motion PASSED. Bob will place the order.

SPRING MEMBER MEETING – Sunday, April 10 – Toni Wujek volunteered to make BBQ pork for 75 people. Dick Sprague will do the sign-up sheets for cabin hosting at Monarch and Junco. There will be a short business session. Nominations and a short talk on trail hosting.

SPRING CAMPING TRIP – Canyonlands National Park - May 9-12. Full but with a waiting list.

JOAN SHAW MEMORIAL KIOSK DEDICATION – Signs were put up sometime this winter. The decision was made to have the dedication at Junco Cabin on July 9 (weather permitting). This is also the day for the Junco Cabin orientation. This date is tentative at the moment pending Bob Saint asking Roger Shaw to attend.


NOMINATING COMMITTEE – (Jim Magill, Al Rothenbach, Gary Perkins) - Jim Magill reported that the committee is working on a slate and will bring it to the April 10 members meeting.

PUBLICIZING ACTIVITIES/ATTRACTING NEW MEMBERS – Bob Saint – Will ask Channel 18 to publicize the May 28 event.

NEXT BOARD MEETING – Will be on Sunday, June 12th. Host: Toni Wujek and Al Rothenbach.


There being no further business to discuss the meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

Submitted by:

Christine Lee, Secretary

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