GCWG Board Meeting Minutes 3/17/08
Location: The Board met at the home of Mary and Jim Bernard. The meeting was preceded by a potluck dinner.
Attendance: Board members in attendance were: Joan Shaw, Jerry Stahl, Carolyn Manly, Al Rothenbach, Susan Ellis, Toni Wujek, Marshall Haith, Jim Bernard, and Jim Moat. Board member Joyce Clair was absent. Also in attendance were: Roger Shaw, Carolyn Stahl, Sue Haith, Donn Manly, Jeri Moat, and committee chairpersons Mary Bernard and Mary and Jim England.
Opening: Al Rothenbach called the meeting to order at 7:15PM.
The board approved the minutes from the meeting of 12/07/07.
Carolyn M. gave the board a written financial report. A copy is included with these minutes. Currently, the balance on hand is $2504.26.
Al R. handed out a list of board members and members who are heading specific activities. A copy is included with these minutes. Four board members have terms that expire this spring. A nominating committee consisting of Carolyn Manly and Toni Wujek was setup to select candidates for these board positions. Elections will take place at the spring members' meeting. The following correction to the handout were noted: the Englands and the Drickeys are in charge of Cabin Hosting at Junco Cabin.
It was also noted that there is an opening for a head of publicity. Joan S. observed that the group needs more publicity, such as articles and pictures in the newspaper. The following members were suggested as possible publicity head: Sue Perkins, Edna or Jerry Anderson, and Liz Smith.
Another change to the handout is that Carolyn Manly and Toni Wujek will head the White Deer Party.
The spring members meeting will be held on April 13th. There will be no speaker, but the board agreed to a short presentation from the Forest Service on the PIT project. Susan E. will contact the YMCA to order roast beef for 65 people. We usually spend $90 - $120 for the entrée. We agreed to add a potluck category of potatoes and pasta. The group gave a $50 donation to the YMCA after the fall meeting; previously, we had made a $25 donation. It was agreed that we will send another $50 donation for the use of their facilities for the White Deer Party.
Al R. welcomed the Junco Cabin committee chairpersons Mary and Jim England to the meeting.
Marshall H. will again do the calendar scheduling for cabin hosting at the spring members' meeting. Al R. will find out the Monarch cabin opening and closing dates, and days of the week that need coverage, for him.
Donn M. reported that he is targeting the last week of June for the opening of the Junco cabin.
Roger S. is planning this year's encampment for soon after the 4th of July and asked that we save 3 days around that time during which we do not plan any GCWG activities.
Jim M. asked if a Monday was a good day for the trail maintenance day. The board agreed, and he claimed Monday, July 21st.
Toni W. will do the cabin hosting training for Junco and Monarch. She will determine the dates and announce them at the spring members' meeting.
Al R. handed out the trail hosting schedule from last year. A copy is included with these minutes. We host seven trails. Mary E. asked why we do trail head registration for two experimental forest trails. Roger S. will talk to the experimental forest personnel to see if they want us to continue. Tara Jamison will solicit trail hosts at the spring members' meeting. Roger S. will ask for registration box volunteers at the meeting.
Jim C. will need a couple of trailhead bulletin board work days, including one at Green Ridge. The Board at Vasquez may be in bad shape. We will ask the registration box sponsors to report on the condition of the trailhead board at the beginning of the hiking season.
Donn M. will send an e-mail in early June asking for suggestions and ideas for orientation hikes. The hikes last season were well received. We will do one a week starting in early July and going through the end of summer. We can do any hike in the wilderness areas.
Al R. reported that he and Sue Jackson have reworked the website information on volunteer hours. There is a reporting form that can be copied, completed, and e-mailed to Sue, the volunteer hours coordinator.
Susan E. handed out a Fundraising Report from Joyce C. A copy is included with these minutes. Joyce wants to know what to order. Sue H. will work with Joyce to iron this out. Carolyn S. reported that she has pre-orders for 18 GCWG logo vests, and has ordered 21 of them. Jim B. modeled one of the vests for us. We are purchasing them at $24 each, and selling them for $35 each. There was a one-time charge of $200 for the logo design.
The board agreed that we will participate in the ArtAffair and the Fraser River Days again this year.
Al R. and Toni W. will update our display board. It suffered some water damage last year.
Mary B. handed out a sample letter that she plans to send out to encourage people to pay their GCWG dues. A copy is included with these minutes. One third of our members have not paid for 2008; the rest paid at the fall members' meeting. The letter will be personalized.
Al R. observed that we have enough membership brochures and business cards for the year.
The spring camping trip will be from May 5th to May 8th (3 nights). The last week of March, Donn M. will send an e-mail notice to those who indicated interest. The trip cost will be $9 per person. Donn asked if we could tack on another $2 per person charge to buy a 2nd coffeepot. The board agreed.
Joan S. asked if there is anything anyone wants to put into the spring newsletter Want Ads. Susan E. asked for photos for our scrapbook.
Jerry S. wondered how the Forest Service handles the sale of its timber and suggested we might get a speaker to talk about this at our fall members' meeting.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8:45PM.
Toni Wujek, Secretary