GCWG Board Meeting Minutes 3/24/07

Location: The Board met at the Manly's house. The meeting was preceded by a potluck breakfast.

Attendance: Board members in attendance were: Marshall Haith, Joan Shaw, Jerry Stahl, Carolyn Manly, Jim Moat, Al Rothenbach, Mary Bernard, and Toni Wujek. Board member Joyce Clair was absent. Also in attendance were: Roger Shaw, Jeri Moat, Carolyn Stahl, Sue Haith, Jim Bernard, and Donn Manly.

Opening: Jerry Stahl called the meeting to order at 10:00AM

The minutes from the meeting of 12/9/06 were accepted.

Carolyn M. gave the board a written financial report. A copy is included with these minutes. Currently, the balance on hand is $603. The Bittle gift was $325; there is $100.40 remaining in this special account. Joan S. motioned to accept the report; she was seconded by Roger S.

Jerry S. gave a T-shirt report for Joyce C. Joyce would like someone else to chair our booth at the ArtAffair. We will ask Ingrid Anderson if she has any interest in doing this. We will also sell T-shirts at the Grand Lake Art Fair in September and at Requiem For Trees, also in September. Al R. recommended that we limit the number of events we participate in, so that people are not spread too thin. Marshall H. questioned whether selling three shirts, which is about the average at one of these events, was worth our participation. It was noted that we have a display at these events, and this gets the group's name out to the public. Roger S. commented that, right now, the number of members in GCWG is a nice workable size. Jim M. reported that he attended a Forest Service meeting in Evergreen and that the attendees at the meeting all thought the GCWG was “the greatest”; i.e., we have a good reputation outside Grand County. Jeri M. suggested that we sell T-shirts at the cabins, but it was observed that we had tried this and it didn't produce sales. Mary B. suggested that we could raise dues and forego the ArtAffair efforts; it was also suggested that we could have a box for a free-will offering at our semi-annual potlucks. Jerry S. asked if we had ever held a fund-raiser, like a pancake breakfast; Joan S. replied that we had not, and were proud of it. Jerry S. asked about what it takes to raise dues. The board agreed to re-analyze the financial situation at the summer meeting.

A list of board members was passed out, reviewed, and a few corrections made. A copy of the corrected list is included with these minutes. Jerry S. announced that Mary B.'s and Marshall H.'s terms expire this spring. Terms are three years, and there is no term limit in the by-laws, although there must be at least five members on the board. The board agreed that a two term limit is reasonable. Donn M. noted that, in the past, a nominating committee for new board members has not been needed. We have simply invited active members to be on the board. Marshall H. offered to serve again. Roger S. suggested that we form a nominating committee to look for two new board members. Carolyn M. and Mary B. volunteered for the committee. They will suggest prospects and approach them; Jerry S. will bring the nominees up for a vote at the spring members' meeting.

It was agreed that we would use the same format as we did last year at the spring members' meeting to “auction off” cabin hosting and trail hosting days. Marshall H. agreed to conduct the “auction”. A notice will be placed on the website and an e-mail will be sent, reminding people to bring their date books. Donn M. noted that we try to host Junco from Memorial Day through September 15th, although this is weather dependent. We need to find out from the Forest Service which days we are needed as host at Monarch. Tara Jamison will pass around a sign-up sheet for trail hosting on weekends and holidays. Roger S. will “auction” off the trailhead registration box sponsorship.

Jerry S. will mention the group's forthcoming events: Trail Maintenance Day (Jim M. will coordinate this again), Daisy Days, and Public Lands Day (the Forest Service will be able to tell us when this is).

Al R. asked if we are doing any work on the Monarch Lake trail this season. Last fall, Brad Orr had talked to Jim M. about the possibility of our helping maintain this trail, but Mike Ricketts doesn't know anything about it. Jerry S. will check about this with the Forest Service.

The spring members' meeting will be held at the Y again, on April 15th. We will get chicken from Citi Market for 75-80 people. Al R. will send out an e-mail with the food assignments as they are listed in the current newsletter.

Carolyn M. proposed that anyone in GCWG can use the group coffeepot and/or Cambrio for a $10 donation. Al R. will mention this on the website.

Joan S. reported that there are extra copies of the newsletter for any new members who sign-up at the spring meeting. Al R. will send a copy of the newsletter to members who join after the meeting. Joan S. listed the non-members who were sent a newsletter.

Toni W. will conduct cabin hosting orientations for both Monarch and Junco cabins. The dates will be determined and announced at the spring members' meeting.

Roger S. said that he and Joan S. are planning to host a potluck dinner for anyone who signs up for registration box sponsorship.

The dates for the camping trip to Dinosaur National Monument have been set. The trip will start on Monday, April 23rd, and end on Thursday, April 26th. Al R. will mention the trip at the spring members' meeting.

There is a blog on our website in which individuals can enter trail reports. Al. R. will distribute a “how to use” sheet at the spring members' meeting. Members are encouraged to make a blog entry after they trail host.

Carolyn M. displayed the maps that were acquired with the monies from the Bittle family gift. There is a set for each cabin. A “donated by …” sign will be added to the maps and they will be displayed at the spring members' meeting.

Al R. distributed our new business cards. They will also be made available to members at the spring meeting.

Roger S. reported that the Forest Service has a mandate to map the motorized trails in the Sulphur Ranger District. The maps they have produced will be on display from 1 - 7PM on April 4th in the district office.

Jerry S. reported that there is a “Quiet Commotion Summit” in Glenwood Springs from May 4th through 6th. The purpose of the conference is to discuss approaches to keeping some of our forests motor free. If anyone is interested in attending, there is more information on the web at http://www.southernrockies.org/recreation/QC.htm.

Jerry S. asked if there was any interest in a GPS users seminar led by someone from the Forest Service; there was, but board members wondered if the Forest Service would provide GPS loaners for the seminar.

Although we are not a hiking club, we sponsor signage and registration boxes and do trail hosting on specific trails; not everyone is familiar will all the trails. Carolyn and Donn M. will coordinate hikes this upcoming season to give new members an opportunity to get acquainted with these trails.

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 11:40 AM.

Toni Wujek, Secretary

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