GCWG Board Meeting Minutes 6/09/13
Location: The board met at the home of Lisa Vonderhaar and Tom Papathakis. The meeting followed a potluck dinner.
Attendance: Board members present were Al Rothenbach, Doug Smith, Tom Whitten, Roger Shaw, Bob Saint, Gary Perkins, Lisa Vonderhaar, and Tom Papathakis. Board members Jim Magill, Chris Lee, and Ingrid Anderson were absent. Members Toni Wujek, Patricia Potter, Joan Shaw, Ann Steers, Sue Perkins, and Holly Whitten were also present.
Opening: The meeting was called to order by Vice-president Al Rothenbach at 7:25PM.
Al R. welcomed new board member Bob Saint.
Minutes from the last meeting were approved as published on the GCWG website.
Treasurer Tom W. reported that the current treasury balance is $3603.18. This includes $2000 that has been earmarked as a donation to the Forest Service for trailhead signage. The first mockup of the new signs should be available by June 21st. The Forest Service may not use the money this year.
Lisa V. noted that the new polyester T-shirts are selling well. The group is not trying to make money off of them, so they are being sold for just slightly over cost. Ball caps are moving more slowly. Lisa will order more T-shirts as sizes get depleted.
Roger S. asked the treasurer for a breakout of income from dues versus income from T-shirt sales. Tom W. will provide that information.
Trails Training Day is coming up this Saturday, June 15th. Absent President Jim Magill has offered to have the GCWG buy lunch for people that day. We are estimating about 20 people. The board approved a motion to allow approximately $200 for this expense.
The road to Junco cabin will be closed for a major part of the summer. The board discussed whether to offer cabin orientation training when the road re-opens. The training was originally scheduled for July 13th. It was decided to re-schedule the orientation when we know when the cabin will be available.
Nick Schade from the Forest Service has scheduled three over-night work trips. Any member interested in participating in any of these trips should sign-up with Ron Sears. These trips will focus on inventorying campsites, so a big work crew is not needed. It is possible that the workers can use Forest Service GPSs to collect accurate campsite locations.
We are planning a trail work day on the first Tuesday of each month, starting in July. This will be done with the blessing of the Forest Service. Nick Schade will tell us where to work. Roger S. will find out if the Forest Service is supplying equipment, or if we need to bring our own.
Daisy Demolition Day is set for July 31st.
The Art Affair in Winter park is July 20th and 21st. This seems to be a busy weekend for a lot of people, but the board agreed that we would like to have a booth again. Sue P. will contact the Chamber of Commerce to see if space is still available for volunteer organizations. If there is, Sue and Gary P., Lisa V. and Tom P. will set up the booth Friday evening. Al R. will send an e-mail soliciting volunteer booth staff for two hour shifts and will update the website. We will sell our cotton T-shirts and have copies of the newsletter to handout. Al R. and Toni W. will redo our display board in time for the event.
Newsletter queen Holly W. announced that she was able to bring down the costs of printing the newsletter by switching from Kopy Kat to Chas McConnell of McConnell Printing Company.
Bob S. has taken over management of the registrations boxes from Roger S. Roger S. noted that the Forest Service is considering adding some new boxes; Roger has two ready to go.
Orientation hikes, to familiarize group members with some of the Forest Service trails, are schedule for Fridays this season. Ingrid A. is organizing the hikes.
Volunteers will receive trail assessment training during Trails Training Day. Al R. announced that the Trail Assessment Form will be available on our website, and the website section with our own trail status information will be deleted.
The annual group picnic at Double AA barn is scheduled for August 18th.
Al R. thanked Holly W. and Jean for an excellent job on the new newsletter.
Tom W. suggested that we send the newsletter as an e-mail attachment rather than through the postal service. A discussion followed. We like to have physical copies of the newsletter to hand out at events. Holly W. noted that, if we are still going to print some newsletters, then our cost savings to send it via e-mail will be minimal, since fewer copies cost much more per copy to print. Doug S. motioned that the group go to e-mail for the newsletter; Tom W. seconded. The motion did not pass. For now, we will continue to use the postal service, but will consider this option again soon.
Joan S. noted that some of the bulletin boards at Monarch are not locked; anyone could change the pictures.
Gary P. asked the board to consider a Facebook page for the group; it would appeal to younger people. The board decided to table this for discussion at the next meeting.
The next board meeting will be Sunday, September 29th , at the home of Doug Smith and Patricia Potter.
Opening:The meeting adjourned at 8:30p.m.
Submitted by: Toni Wujek, for Chris Lee, Secretary