GCWG Board Meeting Minutes 6/9/19

Location: The meeting was held at The Peak in Winter Park

Board members present: Dick Sprague, Jack Reichert, Gary Piper, Beth Collins, and Bambi Statz.

Time: Some members arrived at 4:00 and ordered from the menu. The meeting began at 4:30 p.m.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES. Upon a motion by Jack, second by Bambi, the Minutes from the Board meeting on March 10, 2019 were approved.

TREASURER'S REPORT – Written report from Bob Saint – The account balance as of 6/8/2019 is $4536.39. Since January 1st the total inflows are: $270 from ANRA passes at Monarch, $317.42 from cat-hole trowels, a $5.00 donation from Amazon Smile, $560.48 from dues, $0.24 from interest, $7.26 from Badges. Total outflows are: $588.00 D&O insurance, $75 NWSA membership, and $580.65 for GCWG meal and entertainment for the Wilderness Ranger Academy. The Wilderness Ranger Academy expenditures were $1,067.65. The amount taken in for the dinner was $487. We had expected to take in at least $900, but not as many people came to the dinner as we thought would come, which resulted in a lot of left-over food and going into the hole for the food and entertainment that GCWG provided.

MEMBERSHIP REPORT – Written report from Bob Saint - Currently there are 71 paid households and a total of 127 people. There are three new members since January 1st.

TRAINING VIDEOS-Toni and Bob: The reviews about the training videos have been favorable. The videos seem error free. The videos would be a good review for members to watch before hosting cabins.

LEAD POSITIONS - The Board reviewed the Lead Positions and they are as are as follows:

  1. Light Trail Work Hikes - Joyce Clair
  2. Trail head hosting – None. On Hold
  3. Monarch cabin coordinator – Dick Sprague
  4. Junco cabin coordinator – Bob Drickey
  5. HTA/GCWG Trail work coordination – Beth Collins
  6. Weed warrior – Beth Collins
  7. Trail head registration – Stephen Lee
  8. Newsletter – Holly Whitten
  9. Clothing- Bambi Statz and Sue Perkins
  10. Art Affair-Sue Perkins (needs help this year)
  11. Fourth of July- Sue Perkins
  12. Grand Lake Regatta August 10th-Bob Saint
  13. Cabin hosting scheduler – Monica Sandstrom
  14. Smokey Bear- Christine Lee
  15. Christmas bird count / May bird trip – Al Rothenbach
  16. Voice of the Wilderness (VOW) – Bob Saint
DETAILED JOB DESCRIPTIONS – Dick Sprague will turn in his job description for the cabin hosting scheduler.

ON-LINE SIGN UP SYSTEM.– The on-line sign up system for Cabin hosting seems to be going well. As of Sunday May 9th , no one was hosting this Sunday and and no one had signed up for next Friday, Saturday and Sunday. On last Saturday, June 8th, a member was there alone and no Forest Service person.

GRANTS - There has been no change in grant status at this time since the next grant cycle is in the Fall. Jack will keep in touch with Clayton on what projects the Forest Service might have that could benefit from Grant money. Then a grant project could be submitted with a support letter by USDA.

HTA AND SUMMER TRAIL WORK PROJECTS - Beth has contacted HTA on their projects. At this time HTA does not have work hikes that are in the wilderness. Joyce is looking for hike leaders and people for light trail work hikes on Wednesday (or other days as determined by the leaders). Joyce has list of suggested hikes from the Forest Service. It has been suggested that for members who want to do more hiking and less working they can hike ahead and those who want to work more could hike in early and work back to the group. There is a preference for Wilderness trails. All members are encouraged to report the bad trails and trails around Monarch that need maintenance. Jack is going to send out a form by email for members to report trail hazards or needed for trail maintenance.

MEMBERSHIP SURVEY - Discussion of a membership survey was postponed until the Fall meeting at which time a sub-committee may be appointed to prepare a survey.

VOLUNTEER HANDBOOK – Jack will ask Clayton to review the Handbook and to determine if he thinks changes need to be made. The Board postponed an update until after any revisions were made this year.

VOLUNTEER HOURS – There was no report on hours. Jack will ask Clayton which category should be used to report the volunteer hours members that worked on the dinner for Wilderness Ranger Academy.


CLOTHING INVENTORY – Bambi Statz/Sue Perkins. Bambi provided a written report. They are still working with George on orders for shirts and hats. A lot of visors and hats were sold. We decided not to sell visors, but will order 10 hats, and mixture of 14 team performance shirts. Motion by Jack, second by Dick, to refund Ann Rosati $42 for the shirt she bought because it was the wrong size and put that shirt back in inventory.

VOLUNTEER BADGES – No report at this time

SUMMER PICNIC COORDINATOR - Gary Piper volunteered to coordinate this summer's picnic.



  1. August 1st Thursday -Daisy Demolition
  2. August 11th Sunday – Summer picnic AA barn
  3. Sep 22 – Board mtg
  4. Jan 12, 2020 - Board mtg
  5. Mar 8, 2020 - Board mtg
  6. Jun 7, 2020 - Board mtg
  7. Aug 9, 2020 - Summer picnic AA barn
  1. The Board discussed the length of Board meetings. It was moved by Bambi to limit meetings to 2 hours, second by Gary and passed unanimously. Jack will try to prioritize the agenda and we will all try to stay on topic.
  2. Motion by Beth to pay Doris Klein $56.26 for expenses she incurred in making the Monarch History notebook, second by Gary and passed unanimously.

The next Board Meeting is Sunday September 22nd at the Peak at 5 p.m.. Spouses welcome to come after the meeting for dinner.

Motion to adjourn by Gary, second by Dick and passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 6 p.m.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Beth Collins, Secretary

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