GCWG Board Meeting Minutes 6/11/17
Location: The meeting was held at the Perkins' house. Appetizers and dinner were at 5:00 p.m. followed by the board meeting at 6:30 p.m.
Board members present: Bambi Statz, Al Rothenbach, Bob Saint, Gary Perkins, Dick Sprague, Monica Sandstrom, Paisley, Beth Collins, Jack Reichert
GCWG members: Toni Wujek, Sue Perkins, Donna Ferber, John Statz, Jim Magill, Ann Steers, Eric Sandstrom
APPROVAL OF MINUTES. The Minutes from the March Board meeting were approved.
TREASURER'S REPORT Bob Saint Reported that the Opening balance is $5349.21. Present balance in account is $4534.40. Major outflows: ANRA passes $450 and Intern grant $386.30. GCWG has a commitment of approximately $614 to Forest Service which will be used mainly for signs at Crater Lake camping area. Payment will be made when signs are completed which is projected to be by July 4th weekend.
MEMBERSHIP REPORT Bob Saint One new member joined. Toni will email the new member. Currently there are 83 households (up from 65) and a total of 140 individual members (up from 114).
VOLUNTEER HOURS Toni Wujek There is a new reporting year that began October 1, 2016 and ends September 30, 2017. The reported volunteer hours are as follows: First quarter 2017 = 149 hours and Second Quarter = 289.5 hours. There is still a problem with volunteers not reporting hours.
CLOTHING INVENTORY Janet Harrington Clothing boxes were moved to Magill/Collins' shed. Sue Perkins plans to do an inventory. Bambi and Sue plan to contact Active Images in Winter Park to look at different clothing alternatives. TRAIL BOX REGISTRATION Steve Lee- submitted a written report which listed Monarch visitor numbers up from 19,800 in 2015 to 22,165 in 2016. Other registration boxes showed Junco 3688 in 2015 and 3530 in 2016; Baker 1678 in 2015 and 1610 in 2016; Bowen 796 in 2015 and 665 in 2016. The entire report for 2016 will be completed soon and published in GCWG website and newsletter. Toni and Al will talk to FS about whether a registration box can be placed at the North Supply Trail that goes into Bowen Lake.
VOICE OF THE WILDERNESS / FS Smart Sizing Trails Comments Holly Whitten made an individual objection to Smart Sizing Trail Project. She objected to the proposed Rogers Loop Trail for bicycles because if that trail was created, then an existing trail should be de-commissioned as required by the language creating the James Peak Protection Area. The FS responded that the Loop trail was created by the Act, therefore existing trails were not affected. A second objection to the Loop Trail was made by Colorado Parks and Wildlife based on the wildlife inventory that CPW is doing the area. The FS agreed to delay action on the Loop Trail for the wildlife inventory. The plan for the BLM land in Strawberry area designates part for bicycles, part non-motorized, and part closed. Also, the BLM had 20 parcels up for oil and gas leasing in Grand County, but those 20 parcels were removed from the leasehold biddings.
NAME TAGS Al Rothenbach reported that no more name tags would be sold this year
MEMBERSHIP IN NATIONAL WILDERNESS STEWARDSHIP ALLIANCE As per the Board's action last meeting, a check was sent to join this group.
CABIN HOSTING Dick Sprague People are still needed to staff Monarch and Junco. An email will be sent out to members. Al and Toni are meeting with the Forest Service. The procedure for issuing Back Country permits will be addressed with the Forest Service and reported to membership. Based on a report and suggestions submitted by Doris Klein, Al moved for authorization to spend up to $150 to buy stickers and giveaway stuff for children to enrich their visit to Monarch. Motion seconded by Dick Sprague and passed unanimously. A battery powered light for the closet at Monarch was donated by President Reichert. There should be a solar panel installed by the Forest Service.
ORIENTATION HIKES Joyce Clair Volunteers are still needed to lead orientation hikes.
SPRING BIRD TRIP Al Rothenbach Reported that the Spring Bird Trip was a success: 9 people, 61 birds. Grants and Grant writer There are grants that might be available for open lands rivers and trails, but someone is needed who is knowledgeable about grant writing. Plan to talk with FS about Grants and writing. At this time, it was decided not to try to enlist boy Scouts or students to help with trail work projects because of liability.
GCWG Letterhead Jack Reichert The letterhead designed by Jack Reichert was approved by the Board.
USFS NEW FORM FOR VOLUNTEER SIGN IN -Jack Reichert- The new form required by FS for hikes and other volunteer activities was distributed and is on website.
INSURANCE -Beth Collins-The insurance company that solicited information for a quote never got back to us. Our group is probably too small for their business.
RADIOS Jack Reichert - GCWG is planning to procure a Garmin InReach radio, The request was sent in April 19,2016.
MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL DATES - For new members joining in the summer there is a problem with the payment of dues upon joining and then owing the annual dues again in November. It was moved by Bambi and seconded by Al that for new members the amount paid after July 1st would count towards the annual dues that are due and payable in November.
MONARCH ORIENTATION Toni Wujek- 15 people were at the orientation including Alex, the new supervisor at the FS. There is still a problem with the issuance of back country permits. For instance, Toni reported that the FS staff person who was listed as the weekend contact person for issuance of back country permits is now posted to Wyoming.
COLORADO HEADWATERS LAND TRUST REQUEST -Al Rothenbach. It was moved by Bob Saint, seconded by Bambi Statz and passed unanimously to send email to members on the Land Trust request.
TRAIL WORK COORDINATOR Jack Reichert still working on the dates but Forest Service planning to do Columbine trail work with Andy Borek, Flume extension,. Baker Pass log out, East Lake Shore board walk, High lonesome Boardwalk, Twin Bridges Reroute.
THURSDAY CONCERTS WINTER PARK We have 2 dates for a volunteer booth at the concert. It was suggested that the booth include some of the tools of the trade -Pulaski, felling saw, log carriers etc. Brews and Crews Fest in Grand Lake (August 12) -It was decided that the GCWG would not pursue putting up a booth at that event this year.
KIOSK STAINING Paisley Miles has given Paisley a list of the Wilderness kiosks that need re-staining and the Meadow Creek Kiosk has been damaged.
THIS SUMMER'S ACTIVITIES In addition to hiking, GCWG will host a Fourth of July booth in Granby (Sue Perkins), Junco hosting orientation is July 15th (Toni Wujek), Art Affair July 22-23 (Carolyn Sunderland), Daisy Demolition August 3 (Beth Collins), Summer Picnic Sunday August 6, Encampment in August and Public Lands Day is Saturday, September 30. Next year's picnic is August 12, 2018.
TRAILHEAD HOSTING GCWG will host some trail heads in the popular areas only. Note: the designation for members hiking in the forest service with their volunteer t-shirts, tags or hats, etc is TRAIL AMBASSADOR.
NEXT MEETING: September 10th at Al and Toni's
With no other business to discuss the meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Submitted by: Beth Collins, secretary, who apologizes for her inexcusable tardiness in submitting these minutes.