GCWG Board Meeting Minutes 6/12/16
Hosted by Gary & Sue Perkins
Appetizers & Dinner 5:00 – 6:00 p.m.

Board members present: Tom Whitten, Al Rothenbach, Bob Saint, Gary Perkins, Janet Harrington, Christine Lee, Paisley, Beth Collins

GCWG members: Toni Wujek, Ann Saint, Sue Perkins, Holly Whitten, Jim Magill

The board meeting began at 6:20 p.m. Minutes of March 13 were approved. Al Rothenbach moved and Tom Whitten seconded.

TREASURER'S REPORT – Tom Whitten – Balance in our general fund is $4070.56. Joan Shaw's Memorial Fund has a balance of $1137.01.

MEMBERSHIP – Al Rothenbach – Reported that we are down 18 members and have 1 new member. However there were many new members at the last member meeting.

VOLUNTEER HOURS – Toni Wujek – Will have report later.

CLOTHING INVENTORY – Janet Harrington – Bob reported that he sold some shirts at Monarch Lake orientation. We can also sell our clothing at the Granby 4th of July Parade, the Junco orientation, and the Art/Affair. We need to get all the clothing out for the 4th of July Parade event.

TRAILHEAD REGISTRATION BOXES – Stephen Lee – Christine Lee reported that Stephen has all the report forms but has not finished compiling. Al mentioned that he has some laminated sheets with instructions telling visitors how to properly fill out the registration sheets. He will try to get to the Forest Service office and laminate more instruction sheets. Bob asked if anyone was doing Roaring Forks Trailhead. Paisley had volunteered but was waiting to hear from Stephen for confirmation. He had forgotten to call her and because of this she had not picked up the sheets from the box. This was worked out and Paisley is now in charge of the registration box at Roaring Forks. However the registration box lid for Roaring Fork needs either repainting or replacing. Gary Perkins volunteered to sand and seal the box and then get the correct color paint from Andy Borek from the Forest Service and repaint what needed repainting.

VOICE OF THE WILDERNESS – Holly Whitten – Reported that Nick Schade had incorporated some of our suggestions into a third alternative to the trails plan. This included taking out some spurs that end nowhere and winter closure of trails to bikes. Nick looked at the comments from members of the Voice of the Wilderness and made changes based on those comments. The final proposal is not yet finished.

NAME TAGS – Bob Saint - Bob distributed the tags that were left. We have to have a minimum order for the tags. Gary suggested that we wait until the next major meeting (probably in the fall) to order more.

HTA TRAILS NIGHT – June 17 – Bob asked for volunteers to represent GCWG at this function as he would be out of town. Paisley volunteered and Tom Whitten said he would come as soon as he could after work. Toni and Al would also try to stop by.

MONARCH LAKE & JUNCO LAKE HOSTING – Al Rothenbach/Bob Saint – Reported that we need a plan or way of keeping literature in stock, especially brochures of the Indian Peaks Wilderness area. There was a discussion about the need for a charger at Monarch. Bob will ask the Forest Service to furnish Monarch Lake Cabin with a charger (Junco Cabin already has one). If they can't get one Bob asked that the board allow him to buy one from GCWG funds. A MOTION WAS MADE TO AUTHORIZE BOB TO BUY A SOLAR CHARGER FOR MONARCH NOT TO EXCEED $50.00 IF THE FOREST SERVICE WON'T PURCHASE ONE OR CAN NOT AFFORD TO DO SO. The MOTION PASSED. Al also made a MOTION ASKING THAT GCWG PAY FOR AND INSTALL A LOCK BOX FOR THE KEY AT MONARCH. MOTION PASSED . There are new procedures at both cabins including one at Junco that “if you get a backpack camping request you have to contact Monarch”. All procedures are in the handbook and Al asked everyone not to write in it and to call him with any changes.

ORIENTATION HIKES – Ingrid Anderson/Christine Lee – Hikes will be on Tuesdays and begin on June 21. The hike leader for the June 21st hike is Beth Collins. The June 28th hike leader will be Christine Lee.

TRAILHEAD HOSTING – Bob Saint – Slots are filled and schedule is on the website. Chairs and tables along with literature will be at the Forest Service headquarters at Granby and will need to be picked up.

JULY 4th EVENTS IN GRANBY – Bob Saint – Bob has the parade permit. After some discussion the board arrived at the decision – no trees. We will carry cathole trowels (leave no trace) and sell them at our booth. They will be stocked at the Forest Service Headquarters in Granby and at the Junco and Monarch cabins. Sue Perkins and Carolyn Sunderland will coordinate the booth and Barb Williams will coordinate the parade.

JOAN SHAW MEMORIAL KIOSK DEDICATION AT JUNCO – JULY 9th at Noon. Bob Saint will ask Marshall to give a short talk. He will also advertise the event to the HTA mailing list. Beth and a few other members volunteered to provide refreshments – lemonade and cookies.

TRAIL WORK DAYS – Bob Saint - Bob asked Jack Reichert to coordinate these. There will be three. A. Columbine Lake Trail (July 12-16) B. Roaring Fork (Wilderness Volunteers ) July 31-Aug 6 and C. Kiosk Installations (Aug 26-28).
He also had an estimate for additional panels : Monarch Lake (3 panels), Roaring Fork (2 panels) and Devil's Thumb (3 panels). The cost would be $1516.03.

A MOTION was made to use the rest of the money from Joan Shaw's Memorial Fund ($1137.01) to pay for these panels with the remaining balance (379.02) taken from our GCWG monies. The motion PASSED.

WINTER PARK ART/AFFAIR – July 23-24 - Carolyn Sunderland and Sue Perkins will be coordinating this event. They have put out a call for volunteers. It will be in a new location – Hideaway Park.
DAISY DEMOLITION DAY – Thursday, August 4 – Beth Collins – On track.
SUMMER PICNIC – Sunday, August 7 – Okay. Ron Sears will again be doing meat.
ENCAMPMENT – Ron Sears – Usually in August.
NATIONAL PUBLIC LANDS DAY – Saturday, September 24 – Will not be a GCWG official event.
WHITE DEER PARTY – January 29, 2017

20th NATIONAL WILDERNESS CONFERENCE – Bob Saint - November 7-10. Bob will probably attend. There will be a review of Interagency Wilderness 2020 Vision Draft Implementation Plan. Bob has been working with WSP (Wilderness Stewardship Performance) Improvement at the Forest Service Office. The goal of all wilderness areas is a score of 60 in 9 categories. Our wilderness areas scores have been in the 40's. He is working with the Forest Service to try to improve these scores. The categories are: Air quality values, Fish & Wildlife, Recreation sites, Trails, Motorized equipment, Outfitters & guides, Agency management actions, Workforce capacity and Education. Bob made out a list of actions for the interns to do this summer to increase the scores. We have a new member, Ramiro Sanchez, who may be able to help us with photo/video/multimedia support.

PUBLICIZING ACTIVITIES – Bob has contacted Channel 18 to see if they can help us publicize our group and activities. There was a suggestion that we get more use from our Facebook page – put in more pictures. Bob will also write an article on the Joan Shaw Memorial Kiosk dedication both for the Sky-Hi News and the Gazette. To help us attract new younger members Gary thought that we should try to get them paying jobs (not volunteer jobs). Nick Schade of the Forest Service hired some young interns this summer. Gary suggested that we keep in touch with Nick and have him let us know when he has paying positions. We might be able to give him some names of prospective local young people.

NEXT BOARD MEETING – Sunday, September 11, 2016. Christine Lee volunteered to host the meeting but later had to cancel due to a previous engagement.

With no other business to discuss the meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.

Submitted by: Christine Lee, Secretary

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