GCWG Board Meeting Minutes 6/13/10

Location: The Board met at the house of Joyce and Jim Clairs. Following a potluck dinner.

Attendance: Jerry Stahl, Roger Shaw, Joan Shaw, Ingrid Anderson, Jim Magill, Beth Collins, Jim Moat, Jim Bernard, Susan Ellis, Al Rothenbach, Joyce Clair

Opening: The meeting was called to order at 7:20 pm

The minutes of the last meeting were approved as written.

Treasurer's report:  Jim Bernard reported that the balance is consistently around $3000.  It was discussed what to do with the balance. It was moved and seconded to accept the Treasurer's report.

Cabin Hosting:  Douglas Smith took over the buying ANRA passes for the cabins.  The key to Junco Cabin is missing and should be replaced soon.

Columbine Trail work day:  Jim Moat reported that the work day would be July 20.  The main thrust for the Forest Service this year is to clear Beetle kill on the trails. Someone from the Forest Service will be there that day and will supply the tools.

Roger reported that a crew will go out overnight on June 23 on Baker trail in Rocky Mountain National Park.  Gary McGraw who is a retired Forest Service worker will go also. Roger moved that the group buy a 36" timber saw for about $150. Seconded and passed. 

Daisy Days:  Beth Collins reported that we will be working at Monarch on Thursday, July 22.  Carpooling will be arranged from Ian's Bakery in Granby by Beth.

Art Affair:  Joyce reported that we are set to have a booth on July 24-25 in Winter Park to sell shirts and inform people about our group.  We will have caps with our logo on them to sell at that time. The schedule is filled in.

Bulletin Boards:  Jim Clair reported that the Forest Service is still not sure who will be in charge of this project.  They are more interested in clearing trees at this point.  There are some registration boxes to put up but we are out of materials for bulletin boards.  The pictures in the existing bulletin boards need to be replaced.  Carol Kitts needs specific directions as to refreshing the pictures. It was suggested we have a committee to do this. Pictures of birds, flowers, fish are needed to educate hikers. 

Registration boxes:  Roger reported that all are covered.  He showed a box he has from the Forest Service to place on a trail to count people and find the ratio of people who go up a trail and those that sign in.  It would be placed beyond a registration box for a week or two and it was discussed where to put it. Joyce and Jim will check out Keyser Ridge trailhead to see if it has a box. 

Hikes:  Ingrid has all July and August filled for leaders of Thursday hikes. The list of hikes will be e mailed to all members and posted on the web site.  Web Site trail reports:  Only two trails have been reported so far.  Everyone was reminded to do this each time they hike.

Picnic:  August 15  The Cahalanes will not be doing the milk can meal so a pig roast was discussed.  We can get a cooked pig from the Kremmling Meat Market but would need someone to carve it.  Jerry Stahl will ask Ron Sears if he would do it.  It would continue to be a potluck.

Publicity:  Kathy Turnbull was not at the meeting but she would like input as to what to publicize.  Daisy Days and Fraser River Days were suggested to inform the public what we do.  The upcoming bird walk will be an article. Joyce will send an article about the children's activity at Fraser River Days to Kathy.

Membership:  Mary Bernard reported that we have three new members and the updated list can be downloaded.  Al is trying to set it up so any committee chairman can use the e mail list but it is not working yet.  Either Al or Mary Bernard can sent e mails to the whole group.  New members need to fill out membership information when they join.  There is a form on the web site. 

Spring camping trip:  Three members are writing up the trip to Utah in April.  Great trip! 

Trail hosting:  Tara Jamison is in charge.  There is a need for more volunteers.

Joan Shaw has some group pictures for sale.

Motion to adjourn at 8:25 pm

Next board meeting will be Sunday, Sept. 26 at Jim and Jeri Moat's house.   

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