GCWG Board Meeting Minutes 6/14/15
Location: Hosted by Toni Wujek & Al Rothenbach
BOARD MEMBERS: Jack Reichert, Janet Harrington, Bob Saint, Doug Smith, Paisley, Gary Perkins, Al Rothenbach, Christine Lee, Tom Whitten, Jim Magill, Roger Shaw
GCWG Members & Guests: Beth Collins, Sue Perkins, Pat Potter, Toni Wujek, Holly Whitten, Stephen Lee, Izzie Ditmarson (USFS)
Meeting began at 6:20 p.m.
APPROVAL OF MARCH 15 MINUTES: Jim Magill made a motion to approve the March 15 minutes. Doug Smith seconded. All voted to approve.
TREASURER'S REPORT Tom Whiten Our bank balance is $7304 (this includes $3143.60 belonging to the Joan Shaw Memorial Fund). Jim Magill moved that we give the promised $2,000 from the Fund to HTA for the Forest Service to use for the Junco Cabin Trailhead Kiosk and also to approve the treasurer's report. Doug Smith seconded. The rest of the board members voted aye.
MEMBERSHIP Al Rothenbach Reported that he deleted ten members that had not renewed. There were two new members. The membership figure stands at 86. That is not the total number of members. Total number is probably twice that.
TRAIL HEAD REGISTRATION BOXES Stephen Lee - He has talked with Nick Schade and is working on some other data from Monarch that Nick asked for. Will have data for website and the fall newsletter. Two new registration box volunteers: Dan Nolan (Bowen) and Monica Sandstrom (Monarch Lake).
CLOTHING INVENTORY Bob Saint/Sue Perkins Bob took an inventory of what we have. Lots of green cotton polo shirts (sell at $10.00); lots of cotton T-shirts (sell at $5.00); volunteer t-shirts; few sweatshirts; performance shirts (not too many). Sell short sleeve at $10.00 and long sleeve at $15.00. We have some hats for sale at $10.00. Al suggested that if we order new volunteer t-shirts we move the volunteer logo from the right to left sleeve. Sue said that we will sell the older items at the Granby 4th of July parade and the Winter Park ArtAffair. Janet Harrington volunteered to be in charge of the clothing inventory and with Sue Perkin's help will buy new shirts and hats.
VOICE OF THE WILDERNESS Holly Whitten Holly was at the HTA meeting where HTA is presenting its Master Trails Plan. We should comment but not in cookie-cutter style. The comments the Forest Service is most apt to listen to are individual comments. She also met with Nick Schade (Forest Service). He showed her maps of the important animal and wilderness areas which might be in the Master Trails Plan. As our group is a wilderness advocate we should make our views known during the public comment time. The Forest Service should know we are behind them in protecting wildlife habitat and quietness. She has a meeting with some equestrian folks June 18th. There were comments from board members on problems with enforcement on trails that were not official biking trails. The Forest Service is working on an app of official trails only the trails on this official map could be used. Holly also mentioned that the biking area recently opened on the East Shore of Grand Lake will also be opened up for comments. Izzie Ditmarson (Forest Service) said that it would be interesting to find out how bike trails and paths are affecting nature and wildlife. There is supposed to be a second HTA meeting on June 23th.
BYLAW CHANGES Jim Magill The by-law changes were approved at the April member meeting. They will need the signatures of the President and Secretary. The question of voting between meetings via e-mail was brought up once more. By state law voting cannot be done via e-mail. However a way around this is to set up an executive committee that can meet (fewer people) in person and vote on an action. A MOTION WAS MADE TO FORM AN EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE CONSISTING OF THE OFFICERS (PRESIDENT, VICE-PRESIDENT, SECRETARY, TREASURER). THEY WOULD HAVE THE POWER TO MAKE DECISIONS BETWEEN MEETINGS. (After having gotten feedback from the other board members via e-mail). Doug Smith moved, Gary Perkins seconded and all board members voted aye. THE MOTION PASSED.
JOAN SHAW MEMORIAL PROJECT Bob Saint/Roger Shaw It was agreed that we give the $2000.00 promised for the Memorial Project to HTA . Bob presented a second draft of the kiosk which showed 60% completion. Nick Schade is asking for pictures of the Indian Peaks area to put on the kiosk. Al said he would find some pictures to give to Nick. The scheduled kiosk installation is August 15th. There was also some discussion of what to do with the rest of the money that was donated. Al gave a suggestion that we use it for kiosks at Monarch Lake or Roaring Fork. A discussion followed on how much this would cost and whether we wanted to do this. The discussion ended with most board members agreeing to table the matter of what to do with the rest of the money until next year and to defer any expenditures till next year.
MONARCH/JUNCO CABIN USE PERMIT PROCEDURES Al Rothenbach Reported that there had been quite a few kinks and problems with the new procedures in issuing permits. He will be talking to Nick Schade about revising and refining the procedures. The opening of Junco cabin is up in the air as of now.
ORIENTATION HIKES Chris Lee Ingrid has a list of hike leaders for these hikes. They will be on Tuesdays beginning June 23. The first hike will be led by Stephen and Christine Lee.
ENCAMPMENT (Led by Ron Sears) Ron will be leading this hike probably to the Zirkel area near Steamboat. He is working on setting up the dates, between Aug. 16-22.
KIOSK SIGN INSTALLATION Izzie Ditmarson Izzie reported that the kiosk installation for the Vasquez Peak Wilderness will probably be on Thurs. Aug. 13. She has three days reserved for the installation. Bob Saint and Jack Reichert volunteered to help. She also has to talk to CDOT on where the kiosk will go.
KNIGHT RIDGE TRAIL MAINTENANCE Izzie Ditmarson/Bob Saint June 25-26. Bob will send out an e-mail asking for volunteers to help with trail maintenance for this area. Izzie needs to know how many people are going, how many staying overnight for how many nights, weight of gear and weight of person. Departure is by boat at Stillwater Boat Ramp June 25 at 9:00 a.m.
4TH OF JULY ACTIVITIES Barbara Williams will coordinate the 4th of July Parade. Trees will be given out by parade participants and will be gathered on July 3 from 10-12 at Roger Shaw's property. (Bring your own lunch). GCWG will have a booth at the park and Sue Perkins will coordinate the setting up and manning of the booth. The set up is to be completed by 10:00 a.m. and we will close by 3:00 p.m. Entry fees are $10.00 for the parade and $20.00 for the booth. Sue will be asking for volunteers via e-mail (sent by Al to all members).
BOTTLE PASS/BYERS PEAK AREA PATROL Izzie Ditmarson Izzie is planning to do a four day (July 2-5) trip to the aforementioned areas (and maybe one or two more) to patrol this area. She needs at least one more person to help. (She is not allowed to go by herself). Jack Reichert volunteered to go with her and an e-mail will be sent to all members for anyone else who would like join them.
SUMMER PICNIC Bob Saint Will be on Friday, July 24th. Bob asked if the board thought having a trail/lake hosting training before the picnic would be doable. Most board members voted nay on this idea. However selling raffle tickets for the FOL quilt was deemed okay and got an aye vote.
July 15-18 Columbine Lake Trail Re-route completion.
July 18-19 Winter Park Alpine Art Fair
July 26-31 Youth Core Devil's Thumb Trail Maintenance
July 26-August 1 Wilderness Volunteers Never Summer Wilderness Rehab Project
August 6 Daisy Demolition Day (Beth Collins)
August 28-30 Wilderness Patrol/Campsite Rehabilitation
SEPTEMBER BOARD MEETING Sept. 13, 2015 Hosted by Jack & Debbie Reichert.
NEW BUSINESS A suggestion was made that we have volunteer badges for all. Al mentioned that we have some at Monarch Lake cabin. If any member wants a custom badge he or she will have to pay for it.
Bob Saint said that he and Ann will be going to a Wilderness Conference in Missoula, Montana in October.
There being no further business to discuss the meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Submitted by: Christine Lee, Secretary