GCWG Board Meeting Minutes 6/17/08

Location: The Board met at the home of Al Rothenbach and Toni Wujek. The meeting was preceded by a potluck dinner.

Attendance: Board members in attendance were: Carolyn Manly, Al Rothenbach, Susan Ellis, Joyce Clair, Toni Wujek, Jim Bernard, Jean Tidball, and Jim Moat. Board members Jerry Stahl and Marshall Haith were absent. Also in attendance were: Joan and Roger Shaw, Jim Clair, Ron Tidball, Mary Bernard, Donn Manly, and Jeri Moat.

Opening: Al Rothenbach called the meeting to order at 7:15PM.

The board approved the minutes from the meeting of 3/17/08.

Carolyn M. gave the board a written financial report. A copy is included with these minutes. Currently, the balance on hand is $2600.67.

Joan S. is putting 10 Indian Peaks maps in Junco cabin and 10 in Monarch cabin for cabin hosts to sell.

The board discussed whether or not we will accept donations in the future, such as the Bittle donation we received last year. We agreed we would continue to accept donations.

Al R. read a note from the YMCA thanking us for our donation to them for the use of their facilities.

Jean T. submitted her resignation from the board, effective the end of August. Jean was managing the paper products for the group. Al R. will find someone else to take over the inventory.

Joyce C. reported that all slots are filled to man the ArtAffair. We have a good T-shirt inventory, and will sell them at the event. Joyce will look into ordering $90 worth of grocery bags with the GCWG logo, to be sold for $3 each. The group OK'd having Headwaters Trail Alliance brochures at our booth.

Joyce C. will again organize the scavenger hunt at the Fraser River Days. We will use the small Smokey the Bears as prizes. Joyce will call to reserve a tent. She has people to man the booth from the spring meeting sign-ups. She will also get kid stuff from the Forest Service. Joan S., Susan E., Joyce C., and Toni W. volunteered to bake items to sell at the booth. Joyce recommended chocolate chip cookies and brownies. The board agreed that we would have a booth only on Saturday, August 9th .

The board discussed manning Monarch cabin additional days. We agreed to seek volunteers for Friday mornings (all summer) and Tuesdays (starting in August). Al R. will send an e-mail to members asking for volunteers.

Jim M. is looking for 30 - 40 volunteers to help with the Columbine Lake work day on July 21st. He will organize carpools from the fish ponds off Highway 40. Donn and Carolyn M. will open Junco cabin and schedule a cabin cleanup for the same day.

Jim C. reported that he has talked to the Forest Service about the bulletin boards we maintain. Kinney Creek and Keyser Ridge trailheads need boards, and the board at Second Creek needs repair. 16 people signed up for trailhead bulletin board work at the spring meeting. Jim will setup some work dates. He will also inventory which boxes need plexiglas.

Roger S. reported that we have 4 extra registration boxes in inventory. He needs someone to adopt the Lake Evelyn/Keyser Creek box.

Al R. announced that the Milk Can picnic is scheduled for August 17th. Al will send out an e-mail asking for an RSVP so that the Cahalane's know how many to plan for. We will accept donations at the picnic from members and request $5 from each guest. Jim M. and Mary B. will work together to plan some games for the evening.

Kathy Turnbull, our publicity person, has asked the board what events we want in the newspaper. The board agreed that we want to keep the group in the public eye, so we will ask Kathy to report on upcoming events and on what we've done. Pictures should be included.

Jim B. asked if he could use the group e-mail list to publicize an NPR fund drive. The board agreed to let him use the list as long as the group name was not used in the e-mail.

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8:25PM.

Toni Wujek, Secretary

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