GCWG Board Meeting Minutes 9/11/16

Location: Hosted by Toni Wujek & Al Rothenbach

BOARD MEMBERS: Tom Whitten, Al Rothenbach, Bob Saint, Gary Perkins, Paisley, Jack Reichert

GCWG Members & Guests: Toni Wujek, Ann Steers, Sue Perkins, Holly Whitten

The board meeting began at 7:10 p.m. Minutes of June 12 2016 were approved. Tom Whitten moved and Al Rothenbach seconded.

TREASURER'S REPORT – Tom Whitten – Balance in our general fund is $3864.03. Joan Shaw's Memorial Fund: A payment of $1746.78 was made in August for trailhead signage at Monarch Lake, Roaring Fork and Devils Thumb. The balance of the Joan Shaw Memorial Fund was $1137.01, so $609.77 was taken from the CGWG general fund to make up the difference.

MEMBERSHIP – Al Rothenbach – Reported that we have a few new members.

VOLUNTEER HOURS – Toni Wujek – Through the end of June we have 850 hours reported. Last year at the same time we had about 1400 hours. Toni thinks it is because of non-reporting of hours, she will send email regarding turning in volunteer hours.

CLOTHING INVENTORY – We are out of hats. Non-volunteer shirts are selling well, BUT they may be used improperly and give the wrong impression about our group. Therefore, we will stop selling non-volunteer shirts. Do not have a good inventory count and will get one by the next meeting.

TRAILHEAD REGISTRATION BOXES – Stencil will be used to add the words “please register” on all registration boxes.

VOICE OF THE WILDERNESS – Holly Whitten – Senate bill has been introduced to modify the Wilderness Act to allow biking in the wilderness under certain conditions. Bob Saint will write a letter to Ski Hi News regarding our objections including rationale to the bill. To help reinforce our position Holly will write a follow up letter at a later date. Bob Saint will also write a letter stating our objections and rationale to key Senators and state that the views are those of the GCWG board and the Voice of the Wilderness.

TRAIL HOSTING – Trail hosting will now be called “Trail Ambassador” to avoid confusion with trail head hosting. Trail Ambassadors will wear a GCWG shirt or hat and badge. Their primary duties include documenting trail conditions (notes, photos and GPS) and providing information to the public (see handouts provided at 2016 spring info meeting with USFS personnel).

MONARCH LAKE & JUNCO LAKE HOSTING – Kevin commented on need for new in cabin sign for volunteers regarding house work that needs to be done at the Monarch cabin. Board response was all the recommendations are already in the cabin handbook except for garbage which is not our responsibility. We also need to again address the efficient issuance of passes with the USFS..

ORIENTATION HIKES – Ingrid Anderson will not be coordinating the hikes next year. Paisley has a candidate to possibly takeover that job and will contact her.

TRAILHEAD HOSTING – Bob Saint – Trailhead hosting was fairly successful. A lot of people at Byers Peak, St Louis Creek and Devils Thumb, need to analyze the results and possibly change some of locations next year. Some suggest a new shorter trail to Byers Peak to avoid the long walk on the road. Toni will send email to Nick on subject.

INDIAN PEAKS WILDERNESS KIOSKS AND PANELS – Jack Reichert – The Roaring Fork and Berthoud Pass kiosks were installed as scheduled. Due to lack of GCWG support the Devils Thumb kiosk could not be installed. Jack will get with Miles/Andy and try to get it rescheduled for this year. Several kiosks are in need of re-staining. Jack will get with Miles to identify those kiosks and put out email to members with this volunteer opportunity.

NEXT YEARS TRAIL WORK OPTIONS – Jack Reichert – Board discussed poor response from members on this year's trail work projects. The board decided that on next year's orientation hikes the members will identify (notes, photo and possibly GPS) work that needs to be done on the trail and deliver them to the USFS. Members are encouraged to bring along small tools and perform some of the work during the hike. Jack will call Miles/Andy and identify the potential projects for next year before the spring meeting. At the spring meeting members will be asked to show if they are willing/interested in doing trail work for 2017. This will provide the CGWG and USFS a possible level of support next year.

ATTRACTING NEW MEMBERS – GCWG will begin increasing our presence at events in Grand County, including concerts, and other events attended by locals. We will hand out our recruiting fliers and discuss what we do for the USFS. Our main goal is to attract members with the desire and ability to do trail maintenance work.


2016 NATIONAL WILDERNESS CONFERRENCE – November 7-10 in Missoula

WHITE DEER PARTY – January 29, 2017

NEXT BOARD MEETING – Sunday, January 8, 2017. ????? Volunteered to host the meeting.

With no other business to discuss the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Submitted by: Jack Reichert

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