GCWG Board Meeting Minutes 9/14/08

Location: The Board met at the house of Carolyn and Jerry Stahl. The meeting was preceded by a Mexican-themed potluck dinner.

Attendance: Board members in attendance were: Carolyn Manly, Al Rothenbach, Susan Ellis, Toni Wujek, Jerry Stahl, Marshall Haith, and Jim Moat. Board members Joyce Clair and Jim Bernard were absent. Also in attendance were: Joan and Roger Shaw, Carolyn Stahl, Donn Manly, Sue Haith, and Jeri Moat.

Opening: Al Rothenbach called the meeting to order at 7:00PM.

Minutes from the meeting of 06/17/08 were discussed, in particular, whether or not the group would accept donations in the future. It was decided that donations with no restrictions attached would be accepted with board approval. The minutes were approved as submitted.

Carolyn M. gave the board a written financial report. A copy is included with these minutes. Currently, the balance on hand is $1557.41 Carolyn noted that the NFS will not buy back passes that the GCWG has purchased to sell at Junco cabin. There are 30 passes left, which can be used next year. Also, anyone paying for a pass at Junco with a check needs to make the check out to GCWG. She requested that this information be included in next year's cabin orientation.

A discussion about when membership dues will be accepted followed. Since Mary Bernard, the membership chair, was not present, no decision was made.

The fall members' meeting will again be held at the Adams' Camp Summit building at the YMCA. We discussed an appropriate date, needing to steer clear of any Broncos games. Either Sunday, November 9th, or Sunday, November 16th, will do. Al R. will check with the Y for availability. Susan E. will again get a beef main course from the Y, a bit more than we had at the spring members' meeting. Al R. asked for suggestions on a speaker. Sue H. suggested a wildlife photographer; Carolyn M. asked if we wanted a speaker from one of the county's non-profit groups; Jerry S. mentioned an interesting speaker he has heard who talked on weather; Roger S. suggested a BLM paleontologist: Carolyn M. inquired about the author of the Grand County Visions book. It was decided that Jerry S. would try to contact Klaus Wolter, a weather expert.

Al R. suggested that we do a members' survey to find out what people like about the group and any suggestions they might have for change. Donn M. recalled that a survey had been done several years ago, and the top member likes included cabin hosting and trail hosting, while the least favored activity was activism. The board decided to do the survey and distribute it in the fall newsletter and via e-mail. Al R. will compose the survey and send it to board members for review.

Jim M. reported on the past season's Trail Maintenance Day. A discussion followed on the usefulness and appeal of our work on the Columbine Trail. Jim M. expressed the opinion that it is time to move on to another project. The board agreed, and Jim M. will talk to the NFS about a project for next year that will make the best use of our groups' efforts. The following areas were suggested as possibilities for next spring's camping trip: Lathrop State Park in southern Colorado near the Spanish Peaks, the Colorado National Monument, Bandelier National Park in New Mexico, Eldorado Canyon near Boulder, Chaco Culture National Historic Park in New Mexico. Al R. will ask for a volunteer to organize and lead the trip at the members' meeting.

Donn M. reported on the success of this past season's weekly hikes. This is the second year that the group has offered the hikes. A discussion followed about whether or not this is an appropriate activity for our group. Ingrid Anderson has volunteered to organize the hikes next year, and the board decided to continue them for another year.

A member of the group had raised the issue of solo sign-up for cabin hosting, since we ask for two people on each hosting day, and couples usually signup together. We discussed how much a problem this is, and decided to just be aware of it at next spring's sign-up.

National Public Lands Day is Saturday, September 27th. The Hogans will again lead our group's volunteers. We will work on any project that does not involve motorized access.

Chris Lee will again coordinate out Smokey-the-Bear Christmas tree cutting volunteers. She will contact the NFS for dates and will get sign-ups at the members' meeting.

Toni W. reported that she and Al R. are working on a new GCWG display and solicited new pictures to update the display.

Joan S. asked for articles for the fall newsletter.

Jerry S. reported on the Kinney Creek trailhead bulletin boards that were installed this past season.

Marshall H. reported that the registration box at Bottle Peak trailhead needs repair. Roger S. said that he has four new boxes ready to go.

The group discussed a better way to cover our events for publicity, and decided to setup a small committee of 2 or 3 people who would accept assignments to take photos at specific events. We will solicit volunteers at the fall meeting.

Board member Jean Tidball has resigned because of a move to Colorado Springs. The board asked that the secretary send a thank you note to Jean. We will wait until spring to fill this vacated board position.

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8:25PM.

Toni Wujek, Secretary

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