GCWG Board Meeting Minutes 9/14/14

Location: The board meeting was held at the home of Stephen and Chris Lee. The meeting was followed by a potluck dinner.

Attendance (board members): Bob Saint, Roger Shaw, Al Rothenbach, Gary Perkins, Doug Smith, Jim Magill, Christine Lee, Lisa Vonderharr, Tom Papathakis
Members & guests: Nick Schade (USFS), Izzie Ditmarson (USFS), Joan Shaw, Ann Steers, Sue Perkins, Stephen Lee, Beth Collins

Board members absent: Tom Whitten, Ingrid Anderson

Approval of June 2014 minutes
Meeting began at 5:15 p.m. June minutes were approved.

Treasurer's Report
Bob Saint gave the treasurer's report in the absence of Tom Whitten. Bob reported that there is $2029.47 in our checking account. Al Rothenbach commented that we should have more when members rejoin at the fall meeting.

Membership Report
Al Rothenbach reported that there was nothing to report. We did get two new members from the Wilderness Hike on Friday, September 12.

Clothing Item Sales/Event Supplies (Lisa Vonderhaar/Sue Perkins)
We have three bins of old sweatshirts, cotton polo shirts and posters that we should get rid of. Suggestions: try to sell them at the fall meeting and at the Oct 4th wilderness event at a reduced price; donate some of them at National Public Lands Day; give them to any new members (Nick's suggestion). We could also display the clothing at the fall meeting. All were good ideas and would be implemented. Lisa Vonderharr said that she had picked up new hats. They were just a little different color from the previous ones but most of the board could not tell the difference.

Newsletter (Holly Whitten)
Needs to be printed before the fall meeting. Send any articles or photos to Holly. Bob Saint will also write a President's Letter.

Trail Registration Boxes (Stephen Lee)
There is a list of people who are handling the boxes on the GCWG website. The sheets should be picked up and the dates are from Oct 1 – Oct 1. Questions that should be asked of each person. Is your box okay or does it need to be repaired. If possible, take a picture of the registration box . Stephen Lee will send out an e-mail to all members who are doing the registration boxes.

Cabin Hosting (Mary Ann Groswold)
Cabin hosts do not have to put in their individual times. Mary Ann Groswold will do all group times. Monarch Cabin – We have to coordinate what our handbook says with what Forest Service does or requires us to do. There was a problem this year with the day pass sales. Volunteers other than GCWG volunteers were selling these passes. These are only for GCWG use since we have paid for them. Junco Cabin – A suggestion was made that we leave some food and put it into the trash can for emergency use. There was also a long discussion on what we tell people that do not have a pass (either day or season) for the area. Tell them that they will get ticketed if they do not have a pass. The fine can be up to $75.00.

Handbook (Toni Wujek)
Al Rothenbach reported that the handbook is on our website.

Trail Hosting
Any trail hosting can be counted as volunteer hours. We can wear our CGWG shirts or FS volunteer badges or even just ask trail users if we can help. Nick Schade asked that we let him know about the trails. Our members should let the Forest Service know what's going on. If there's a problem let them know or if the trail is in good shape let them know also. We can be the Forest Service's eyes and ears. A suggestion was made that we have a workshop session on monitoring and trail maintenance at our spring meeting. A program could be given on how to talk to the public, what to say if we see them doing something wrong, what the fine is for not having a pass for the areas that need a pass, etc.

Orientation Hikes (Ingrid Anderson)
Christine Lee reported that the hikes went well and were well attended.

Trail Work Days (Doug Smith)
So/so attendance. Not many of our members can do heavy duty trail work. Quite a few projects this year. We might need to scale back our trail maintenance work. Next year the Forest Service's project will be the Knight Ridge trail. Nick Schade gave a comprehensive report on this project. He presented a map showing what parts of the trail would be worked on and how the maintenance would be done. Outside of the wilderness area (A) chainsaws would be used. It would be the crew leaders call which trees to cut. Another section (B) is in the wilderness boundary. Here cross-cut saws would be used by Forest Service crews. In section C there are standing trees which are dangerous. Here only Forest Service crews would be used. In Section D approximately 90% of trees were down. Volunteers can be utilized in this section because it is safer. This project would probably start mid June and if possible be finished in about 10 days.

Trail Bulletin Boards (Roger Shaw)
Couple of kiosks still needed. The one for Keyser Ridge may be put up this year. If not, early next spring. Plans for other kiosks are on hold. Nick has to look and see if he has enough money. We'll talk about this issue in a couple of months when he looks at his budget. GCWG will be willing to help with some funding. Roger Shaw brought up the bulletin boards and the use of photos. Some of the kiosks have a third board which could be used to post photos but the Forest Service (per Nick) has asked that we coordinate what photos we put up. Roger and Joan Shaw will work on this project and coordinate with Nick.

Walk/Hikes for Wilderness (Christine Lee)
Went well. Three Hikes and two Walks which focused on children. Perhaps next year we could have a couple of walks again which focus on educating children.

Volunteer Hours (Toni Wujek)
Send Toni individual volunteer hours.

Spring Camping Trip (Tom Papathakis/Dick Sunderland)
Tom reported that he and Dick had decided on Capitol Reef as the spring camping trip. This area is west of Canyonlands and has quite a few hiking options. The group camp cannot be reserved until February. He plans on doing this the first day that the reservations open. There was some discussion on when the trip would take place. Consensus was that early or mid May would be the best time. Tom will call and try to reserve the site for three nights, probably Thursday night through Sunday or Friday through Monday.

Historian (Ann Steers)

Publicity (Sue Perkins)

Scheduled Upcoming Events
NPLD (National Public Lands Day) – Saturday, September 27, 2014. GCWG has a table at this event and we need a few volunteers to man it. The afternoon seems the best time for this. We would have our banner, T-shirts and pamphlets. Bob Saint will e-mail our members regarding this event. Al Rothenbach will get in touch with Pat & Marianne Hogan and ask them if they would be willing to work at the table. Doug Smith said he would help if he wasn't too tired. OCT. 4th – Wilderness Act Celebration (Bob Saint) 6:30 p.m at the Church of the Eternal Hills. Bob has been working on this and has speakers committed. David Skaggs, Hank Brown, Jay Fetcher – all instrumental in helping get the Wilderness Act passed. Bob is working on publicity with articles in the newspaper. A suggestion was made that flyers be made advertising this event. (Note: Since the Board meeting, both David Skaggs and Hank Brown canceled, but the event will go on with the other committed speakers.) National Wilderness Conference – Albuquerque, Oct 15-19. Bob Saint and Ann Steers will be attending this conference. John Denver Tribute for Wilderness – Buell Theatre, Oct 25 John Fielder's Wilderness Photo Presentation in Grand County February 7, 2015 (Bob Saint) There was a discussion on where this event could be held. Devil's Thumb Ranch was one option but the cost would be prohibitive. Most board members felt that Middle Park High School auditorium would be the better and cheaper venue.

Fall Membership Meeting
Sunday, October 26, 2014 YMCA – Rowley Room (under the Chapel) Bob Saint will make the reservation with help from Jim Magill. Number of people – around 80. Bob will work on getting the menu set up and call Sue & Marshall Haith for help as was suggested by some of the board members. Christine Lee volunteered to speak to Michelle Simmons from the Park Service about giving a short program.

White Deer Party (Toni Wujek & Ingrid Anderson)
Toni and Ingrid will again coordinate.

Sunday, January 11, 2015 Board Meeting
Hosts will be Jim Magill/Beth Collins. Backup will be Gary & Sue Perkins.

Old Business/New Business
Just as trivial info, Bob made up a GCWG calendar of events for this past year and except for two or three weeks there was some GCWG project or event every week of the year.

ADJOURNED: 7:30 p.m.
Submitted: Christine Lee, Secretary

Action Items

Get cotton sweatshirts/polo t-shirts to the fall meeting and the Oct 4th wilderness event to sell. Pick up posters to donate for NPLD.

Stephen will send photos to Holly for use in the fall newsletter. Will also e-mail trail registration box volunteers.

Bob S. will write a President's Letter for the newsletter.

Junco Cabin – leave some food for emergency use.

Joan & Roger Shaw will coordinate with the Forest Service on photos used on bulletin boards.

Tom Papathakis will call and reserve a group site at Capitol Reefs for the spring trip.

Al Rothenbach will get in touch with Marianne & Pat Hogan regarding helping at the GCWG table at NPLD.

Bob Saint will send out article/ads/flyer for the Oct 4th Wilderness Celebration. Bob will also send out e-mail to members asking for NPLD participation.

Bob S. will check with Middle Park High School on renting their auditorium for the John Fielder Photo Presentation on February 7, 2015.

Bob S. will reserve the Rowley room at the Y for our fall meeting and check on the menu.

Christine Lee will ask Michelle Simmons or someone from the Park Service to give a short presentation at our fall meeting.

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