GCWG Board Meeting Minutes 9/27/09
Location: The Board met at the house of Al Rothenbach and Toni Wujek.. The meeting was preceded by a potluck dinner.
Attendance: Board members in attendance were: Al Rothenbach, Susan Ellis, Toni Wujek, Jerry Stahl, Marshall Haith, and Roger Shaw. Board members Jim Bernard, Joyce Clair, Ingrid Anderson, Kathy Turnbull, and Jim Moat were absent. Also in attendance were: Joan Shaw, Carolyn Stahl, and Sue Haith.
Opening: President Al Rothenbach called the meeting to order at 7:25 PM.
Minutes from the previous board meeting were approved as submitted.
Marshall H.. gave the board a financial report. Marshall is new in the Treasure's position and is getting acquainted with the bookkeeping. He will submit a written copy of our financial status in the near future. Currently, the balance on hand is $2417. The report was accepted as submitted.
Al R. welcomed the new boards members: Roger Shaw, Kathy Turnbull (absent), and Ingrid Anderson (absent).
Suggested dates for our fall meeting are : 11/1/09, 11/08/09, and 11/15/09. None of these dates conflict with Broncos' games. The preferred date is 11/08/09. Al R. will talk to the YMCA to arrange a room, and will let the board members know the date selected. The board discussed food options. Sue H. (God bless her, always!) offered to get a fettuccine dish from Sam's Club. Al R. will send out the list of potluck assignments. The board discussed possible speakers. Roger S. will spearhead the effort to get a speaker.
Al R. noted that several board members could not be present tonight because of previous commitments, and suggested that a fixed schedule for board meetings be set up so that members know the dates far ahead of time. It was decided that Sunday nights are good, and such a schedule should be tried. Al R. will set it up.
Al R. noted that sending e-mails in the name of the GCWG is a headache, since only the president has the current and complete e-mail list; he has to send all the e-mails. To allow all board members to send e-mails, he suggested that the GCWG subscribe to a service. With this service, the e-mail list would be centralized; it is updated by only one person, but anyone with the required password could sent an e-mail using this list. Al R. noted that Go-Daddy, for this kind of service, costs $140/yr. Roger S. said that Tom Giblin has looked into this kind of service for another group, and may know of a free one. He will Have Tom G. call Al R. To promote moving ahead, if the free service is not appropriate, the board approved the $140 expenditure.
Board member Joyce Clair was not present, but had submitted a report on T-shirt, etc. inventory and sales to Al R. (A copy is included with these minutes). Joyce reported that we have an increased size range on clothing. We are sold-out of Smokey the Bears; the board decided not to re-order. For everything else, we still have inventory.
Al R. reported on the confusion between the GCWG and the NFS on the coverage of Monarch cabin this past season. We covered the cabin on Wednesdays and Thursdays, but the regular NFS employee covering Monarch had Mondays and Tuesday off. It was noted that we need to get clear scheduling requirements from the NFS before next year's Spring Meeting.
A discussion ensued about whether or not we should continue to sell ANRA passes at the two cabins. The board felt that selling passes is a useful service, but that we need a supplies coordinator to control the pass inventory. We will put a plea for a volunteer in the next newsletter. It was also suggested that we buy a season's worth of passes at the beginning of the season, so that there is not so much running back and forth to the NFS office.
Jim C., bulletin board chairman, reported via e-mail that there was no activity on bulletin boards this past season because the NFS did not have materials.
Roger S. announced that he will be sending out an e-mail to the registration box coordinators in the near future reminding them to send in there registration box tallies.
Originating from a volunteer group on the front range, there may be an effort afoot to organize wilderness volunteer groups together into a national organization. The board discussed our participation, and decided our approach will be “We'll wait, thank you”.
Al R. and Toni W. volunteered to check out Bandelier as a site for the GCWG spring camping trip. Sue H. mentioned that she will be in New Mexico around the Bandelier area in the next few weeks, and offered to check the place out for AL and Toni. Susan E. suggested Royal Gorge as an alternative; Sue H. mentioned Chaco Canyon.
Al R. reported that Chris Lee will spearhead the NFS's Smokey the Bear Xmas tree sales volunteer recruitment again this year. Thank you, Chris.
Joan S. and Roger S. reported that they are working on the fall newsletter and would like to have it in members' hands before the fall meeting. They asked Al R. for a letter from the president; they will contact other members who are owing them a newsletter article. Joan and Roger would like to include acknowledgements to any members who participated in National Public Lands Day in the newsletter. Since we did not have a coordinator for NPL Day this year, Al R will send out an e-mail asking which members participated.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8:55 PM.
Al Rothenbach, President