GCWG Spring Member's Meeting Minutes 4/09/17
The Spring Members Meeting began at 6:50 p.m. after the potluck.
INTRODUCTION: President Bob Saint welcomed new members and guests along with Andy Borek, the USFS representative.
He introduced the present GCWG board members Al Rothenbach (Vice-President -not present), Tom Whitten (Treasurer- term ending April 2017), Christine Lee (Secretary- term ending April 2017), Gary Perkins, Jack Reichert, Paisley, Beth Collins, Janet Harrington (not present), Roger Shaw (Emeritus not present).
Gary Perkins reported that Roger Shaw was recuperating from cancer and two get well cards were being sent around so that people could sign.
MEMBERSHIP REPORT Mike Braddy Reported on the number of members and households we had. Members 125 Households 76. There were a few new members.
TREASURERS REPORT Tom Whitten The clubs balance was $5249.59 plus any money made that evening from sales of t-shirts, caps, etc and renewals or new members. We are also holding $1,000.00 to give to the Forest Service as a match for a grant they got for hiring summer interns. The money would probably be used to buy equipment as this engendered less paperwork.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTIONS: The nominating committee consisted of Al Rothenbach, Gary Perkins, and Bob Saint.
Three terms of office were expiring. Tom Whitten (Treasurer), Christine Lee (Secretary) and a term that was unfilled when Doug Smith resigned over a year ago.
The slate of new nominees was: Monica Sandstrom, Dick Sprague, and Bambi Statz.
Bob asked if there were any nominations from the floor there were none so Louise Powers MOVED (seconded by Graham Powers) that the nominations were closed and the nominating committees slate of nominees approved. THE SLATE OF
NOMINEES (Monica Sandstrom, Dick Sprague and Bambi Statz) WAS APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY.
VIDEO & MISSION STATEMENT Bob Saint - Our mission: to assist the U.S. Forest Service in the preservation, protection, improvement and public understanding of the wilderness areas in Grand County.
Badges: Bob mentioned that we can still order name badges but the price will now be $13.00.
Cathole trowels: the Forest Service sold all that we gave them but we have many left.
Clothing: We are selling out our cotton clothes. Reminded everyone to wear shirts or hats with the GCWG logo when we go out hiking. Become Trail Ambassadors. And remember to TURN IN THOSE VOLUNTEER HOURS. Those volunteer hours count they help the Forest Service in getting grants from the government.
REGISTRATION BOXES: Stephen Lee said that he has almost all volunteer reports. He also needed someone to take over for the Stahls. Carol Morales volunteered to do Kinney Creek & Lake Evelyn. He also reminded all box volunteers to put down the backcountry trail usage figures.
VOLUNTEER HOURS REPORT (for 2016) - (Sue Perkins reported for Toni Wujek) There was a decrease of about 15% from last years figures.
Seemed to be from the Registration Box Hours totals. Reminded everyone that travel time, compilation and computer time should all be reported as hours.
REPORT FROM USFS Andy Borek , lead wilderness ranger for the Sulphur District, reported that a grant this year will pay for 4 interns and a seasonal staff person. This allows for a six person backcountry crew who will inventory and rank backcountry campsites & put all this info into a computer software program which tracks hot spots which need more attention. He also has many projects which are in various stages of work doing improvments to the Knight Ridge Trail; High Lonesome Trail boardwalk improvement and starting the process of restoration of the Baker Pass Trail.
TRAIL AMBASSADORS This is the new name for the previous trail hosting. When we hike we should watch for trail conditions and let the Forest Service know of any problems we find. We can either fill out a form or call Andy directly and report our observations. Do not try to enforce any broken rules (educate only) and report any violations to Andy and the Forest Service.
HOSTING MONARCH LAKE AND JUNCO CABINS Bob gave the dates for orientation for Monarch Lake and Junco. Anyone who has not hosted before should go to these orientations and also anyone who is not sure about the procedure for contacting the Forest Service should get a refresher.
Monarch Lake Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays (plus some holidays) beginning on Sun. May 21 through Sun. Sept 17.
Orientation Saturday, June 3.
Junco Lake Saturdays & Sundays (plus some holidays -7/3 & 7/4, 9/4)-
Beginning June 24 through September 10
Orientation Saturday, July 15
***Doris Klein will coordinate work at Monarch but will need help.
Bob Rickey will coordinate work at Junco.
Sign up sheets for cabin hosting were on the wall. Members were asked to sign up for two or more days.
TRAILHEAD HOSTING: - There will be six mornings for this activity. Volunteers will hand out literature and talk to hikers. Answer questions, educate people on the regulations regarding wilderness areas, etc. Sign up sheet were on the wall. The dates and trailheads are:
July 1 - North Supply
July 8 - Byers Peak
July 29 Devils Thumb
Aug 12 Roaring Fork
Aug 19 St. Louis Lake
ORIENTATION HIKES - Joyce Clair will be coordinating these hikes . They will take place on Thursdays from June 22 August 31.
JULY TBD -- Columbine Lake Trail Improvement & other projects.
SATURDAY, May 20 Wilderness Stewardship Training 10am 2pm
Meet in St. Louis Creek Campground Will feature Ralph Swain, USFS Coordinator for wilderness areas in five states.
Thursdays in Winter Park -- Concerts in the Park We will have a GCWG Booth and info about our group. This would be a great community outreach/education time.
May 20 HTA Trails Night
July 4 Granby We will not be marching in the July 4 Granby Parade but we will have a booth in the park.
July 22-23 Winter Park Art/Affair
August 12 (NEW) Grand Lake Spirit of the Lake Regatta. We will have our booth there.
April 24-27 Spring Camping Trip to Snow Canyon State Park, UT
May 23 Spring Birding Trip to Arapaho National Wildlife Refuge
(Leaders: Tim Showalter, Al Rothenbach)
August 3 Weed Warrior Assault (Daisy Days)-9:00 a.m. Monarch
(Leader: Beth Collins)
August 6 Annual Picnic 5:30 p.m. AA Barn
August ??? Encampment
(Leaders: Bob Saint, Al Rothenbach)
October ??? Fall Member Meeting
****August 12, 2018 Annual Picnic
Other USFS Volunteer Activites: (contact Doreen Summerlin)
Osprey Monitoring, Bluebird Box Maintenance, etc.
ADJOURNMENT: 8:00 p.m. (New Board members meeting to follow)
The board convened at 8:05 p.m.
Members: All members (both outgoing and incoming) -- Bob Saint, Bambi Statz, Beth Collins, Jack Reichert, Gary Perkins, Monica Sandstrom, Paisley, Dick Sprague, Tom Whitten (outgoing) , Chris Lee (outgoing).
NEW BUSINESS: Bob reported that the grant the board had been looking at had to be done in two days (not enough time) and also could not be used for what we needed it for. The decision was made not to try for it.
Jack Reichert reported that he had spoken to the Forest Service on our buying two radios that we could use at Monarch. The Board authorized Jack to buy two radios for approx.. $100.00 each if the Forest Service gave their approval to the kind he wanted.
Nominations for executive officers followed.
Jack Reichert was nominated for President.
Al Rothenbach was nominated (in absentia) for Vice-President.
Beth Collins was nominated for Secretary.
Bob Saint was nominated for Treasurer.
All accepted (Al Rothenbach agreed earlier to accept) and the rest of the board approved these nominations.
The last order of business was the date, time and place for the next board meeting. The second Sunday in June, June 11 at 5:30.
Sue and Gary Perkins volunteered to host.
The board meeting adjourned at 8:15p.m.
Submitted by: Christine Lee, Outgoing GCWG Secretary