GCWG Spring Member's Meeting Minutes 4/12/15

April 12, 2015

Grand County Wilderness Group
Spring Members Meeting (Annual Business Meeting)
April 12, 2015
YMCA Snow Mountain Ranch – Rowley Room
5:30 PM – Appetizers
6:00 PM – Dinner
6:30 PM – Business Meeting
7:30 PM – Signup for Volunteer activities
8:00 PM – Short Board of Directors Meeting

  1. Welcome (Signup Sheet)
    1. Introduction of New Members/Guests
    2. Introduction of Board of Directors
  2. Treasurer's Report – Tom Whitten
  3. Bylaw Changes
  4. Board of Director Elections
  5. Registration Box report – Stephen Lee
  6. 2014 Volunteer Hours report – Toni Wujek
  7. HTA Grand County Trails Master Plan revision
    Wilderness Advocacy Subgroup – Holly Whitten (Signup Sheet)
  8. Report from USFS on Staff levels for summer – Nick Schade
  9. Monarch Lake & Junco Lake Cabin Hosting – Toni Wujek (Signup Sheet)
    1. May 29 – Monarch Lake Cabin Hosting Orientation (Signup Sheet)
    2. July 11 – Junco Cabin Hosting Orientation (Signup Sheet)
  10. Trail/Backcountry Campsite Hosting – Nick Schade
    May 30 – Trail Maintenance/Hosting Training (Signup Sheet)
  11. Orientation Hikes – Ingrid Anderson
  12. Trail Work Projects
    1. May 20-21 - Junco Lake Trailhead Kiosk Construction (Signup Sheet)
    2. June TBD – Wilderness Kiosk Sign Installation – Vasquez Peak Wilderness (Signup Sheet)
    3. June 25-26 – Knight Ridge Trail Maintenance (Signup Sheet)
    4. July 1-5 – Bottle Pass/Byers Peak area patrol and logout (Signup Sheet)
    5. July 15-18 – Columbine Lake Trail Re-route (Signup Sheet)
    6. July 26-31 – Youth Core Devil's Thumb Trail Maintenance (Signup Sheet)
    7. July 26-August 1 – Wilderness Volunteers Never Summer Wilderness Rehabilitation (Signup Sheet)
    8. August 15 – Joan Shaw Memorial Junco Lake Trailhead Kiosk Installation (Signup Sheet)
    9. August 28-30 – Wilderness Patrol/Campsite Rehabilitation (Signup Sheet)
    10. September 26 – National Public Lands Day
  13. Other Scheduled Summer Activities
    1. May 2-5 – Spring Camping Trip – Capital Reef National Park (FULL)
    2. May 18 - Spring Bird Trip - Arapaho National Wildlife Refuge near Walden – Al Rothenbach (Signup Sheet)
    3. May 28 – HTA Trails Night 2015 – Fraser Outdoor Activity Center
    4. July 4 – Granby Parade – Roger Shaw (Signup Sheet)
    5. July 18-19 – Winter Park Alpine Art Affair – Sue Perkins (Signup Sheet)
    6. July 24 – Annual Picnic – 5:30 pm at Forest Service Double AA Barn
    7. August 6 – Weed Warrior Assault (formerly known as Daisy Day) – Meet at 9:00 am at Monarch Lake – Beth Collins (Signup Sheet)
    8. August 16-22 – Encampment – Ron Sears (Signup Sheet)
    9. October ?? – Fall Members Meeting
  14. Other USFS Volunteer Opportunities – Doreen Sumerlin (Signup Sheet)
    1. Osprey Monitoring
    2. Bluebird Box Maintenance
    3. Christmas Bird Count (CBC)
    4. Monofilament Bin Adoption
    5. Berthoud Pass Lynx Habitat Restoration
    6. Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation Fence Removal
  15. Adjourn
  17. Brief GCWG Board Meeting
    1. Election of Officers
    2. Authorization for $2,000 to be given to HTA for Joan Shaw Memorial Project

The Business Meeting began at 6:35 p.m. Approximately 65 members were in attendance. President Bob Saint introduced 4 new members and those Board Members present – Tom Whitten, Al Rothenbach, Christine Lee, Gary Perkins, Tom Papathakis, Roger Shaw.

Report from Treasurer Tom Whitten – the balance in our club account is over $4,000 with $2,518 additional for the Joan Shaw Memorial Project.

BY-LAW CHANGES – Bob Saint introduced by-law changes to two classes of members- Ex-officio & Emeritus members.

Section 1.b. Non-voting Board Members
The Board of Directors shall include two non-voting classes.
1) Ex-Officio Board Members.
The Board of Directors may include ex-officio Board Members, as determined from time to time by the Board of Directors. Such members are not members of the GCWG, but individuals who work for or represent organizations which share GCWG's mission of assisting the U.S. Forest Service in the preservation, protection, improvement and public understanding of wilderness areas in Grand County. A vote of at least . of the Board of Directors is required for an individual to become an ex-officio Board of Directors. Ex officio Board Members shall participate fully on the Board of Directors, except that they may not offer motions, vote, be elected to be an officer of GCWG, or be included to establish a quorum.
2) Board Members Emeritus
The Board of Directors may include one or more Board members Emeritus. The Board of Directors shall nominate, for approval by a majority of the GCWG membership at the annual meeting or other duly noticed meeting of the membership. The individual nominated for the position of Board of Directors Emeritus must be a previous Board member. The basis for nominating the individual as a Board Members Emeritus shall include but be limited to the following:
a) Were the efforts of this person a primary cause of keeping the GCWG a strong supporter of wilderness in Grand County;
b) As a result of this individual's efforts as a GCWG member, has he/she created a legacy that will last for years to come;
c) Has this person's efforts been so great that they have inspired others to equal dedication.

Board Members Emeritus shall participate fully on the Board of Directors, except that they may not offer motions, vote, be elected to be an officer of GCWG, or be included to establish a quorum.

Another by-law change was erasing the notice of meetings to be done by oral or telegraphic means.

The last by-law change was to adopt electronic mail (e-mail) as the principal source of communication with directors and members of GCWG.


BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTION: There were five open positions on the Board. The Nominating Committee (Bob Saint, Roger Shaw, Gary Perkins , Doug Smith) presented a slate of four candidates. Al Rothenbach (second term), Jack Reichert (first term), Janet Harrington (first term), and Paisley (first term); also Roger Shaw (Board Member Emeritus) and Nick Schade (Ex-officio Board Member-unanimously elected by the Board). Bob Saint asked for any nominations from the floor. There were none. IT WAS MOVED AND SECONDED THAT THE FOUR CANDIDATES PRESENTED BY THE NOMINATING COMMITTEE AND ROGER SHAW (Emeritus Board Member) and NICK SCHADE (Ex-officio Board Member) BE APPROVED AS NEW BOARD MEMBERS. THE SLATE OF CANDIDATES WAS APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY.

REPORT ON REGISTRATION BOXES: Stephen Lee reported that we have eleven (11) area summaries. He had to enter all of Monarch and is almost finished with the entries. Monarch had the most people registering – over 19,000 during the past season. He still has a few more entries before the total summary for each area is counted. Unfortunately the Bowen and Monarch registration boxes have no compilers. He asked for volunteers. Dan Nolan agreed to compile the Bowen box. Still need someone to compile the Monarch Lake registrations.

VOLUNTEER HOURS: Toni Wujek reported on the number of hours for the past year. She mentioned that any hours that are administrative/secretarial/computer are also to be turned in. The Forest Service uses these hours to help obtain grants.

HTA MASTER TRAILS PLAN: There will be a meeting to discuss the plan on April 21. Bob Saint asked for volunteers who can represent GCWG. Holly Whitten presented her idea of GCWG having a wilderness advocacy subgroup . This group would raise a voice for wilderness and bring recognition of wilderness areas in the HTA Master Plan and at other places and times. She passed out a sign-up sheet for people who would be willing to join such a wilderness advocacy group.

USFS REPORT: Nick Schade reported on some FS news. Izzie Ditmarson will once again be the summer wilderness ranger. This is her fourth year. There are drastic reductions in the front desk positions – from 4 to 2. No staff for Saturday & Sunday. No funding for Junco/Meadow Reservoir ranger (Dick).
Many questions were asked. Safety at Junco Cabin was of primary concern – if something happens who can the host contact. Nick said that the Forest Service is looking at these concerns and will address them soon and let us know so we can inform our members.

MONARCH & JUNCO CABIN ORIENTATION: Toni Wujek will do the orientation for these cabins. Monarch on May 29 and Junco on July 5.

NEW HOSTING COORDINATOR: Dick Sprague has volunteered to be the new hosting coordinator for both Junco and Monarch. We are still looking for someone to be in charge of the Adventure Backpack Program for these two areas.

TRAIL/BACKCOUNTRY CAMPSITE HOSTING: Nick Schade said that there will be a May 30 Training on hosting in the backcountry and on non-confrontational ways to talk to the public when we are trail hosting. The Forest Service is also concentrating on campsite maintenance. For example, Informing the public that campsites should be at least 100 feet away from trails/water. Telling hikers that dogs should be on a leash. There will be a form on our website that you can fill out and send to the Forest Service.

ORIENTATION HIKES: Chris Lee reported that Ingrid Anderson is still coordinating these hikes. They will be on Tuesdays this summer. Anyone interested in leading a hike should get in touch with either Ingrid Anderson or Christine Lee. These hikes are a way of getting to know the wilderness areas in and around Grand County.

TRAIL WORK PROJECTS: Bob Saint mentioned them all (see Agenda List)


Bob Saint asked all attending members (if they hadn't already done so) to sign up for all the activities that had sign up sheets: Cabin Hosting/Trail Maintenance/Kiosk Installation, etc.

The Member meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m. and was followed by a short Board of Directors meeting.


The Board of Directors meeting began at 8:05 p.m. Present were Bob Saint, Al Rothenbach, Tom Whitten, Chris Lee, Gary Perkins, Tom Papathakis, Janet Harrington, Paisley, Jack Reichert.
The election of officers was the main order of business. Elected were:
Bob Saint, President
Al Rothenbach, Vice-President
Tom Whitten, Treasurer
Christine Lee, Secretary

The next order of business was the authorization for $2000 to be given to HTA for the Joan Shaw Memorial Project. This money was to be used for signs at Junco Cabin. The money was to be administered by HTA who would also get the signs done. A discussion followed on what we wanted HTA responsible for and the kind of signs we wanted. The three kinds of signs were: 1. Map 2. Wilderness Rules and 3. ANRA Rules

Before we give HTA the money we would need to have an accounting of what was spent and what company made the signs.


The disposition of the remaining money (around $600-$700) will be discussed at the next board meeting.

The Board meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Submitted: Christine Lee, Secretary

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