GCWG Spring Member's Meeting Minutes 4/13/08
Location: Members met at the YMCA Summit Building at Adams Camp for a potluck, followed by the meeting.
Attendance: 82 people attended the potluck and meeting.
Opening: President Al Rothenbach called the meeting to order at 7:30PM
Mary Bernard, membership chair, introduced new members and asked members to introduce their guests. Al R. introduced the Forest Service personnel present: Mike Ricketts, Ray Miller, and Sue Kinzer.
Carolyn Manly gave the treasure's report. The treasury currently is at $2500.
Carolyn Manly conducted the election of board members. Al Rothenbach, Joyce Clair, and Jerry Stahl were re-elected, and Jean Tidball was elected as a new board member.
Toni Wujek reported that cabin hosting orientations will be held for new hosts. The Monarch cabin orientation is scheduled for 10:00AM on June 4th; the Junco cabin orientation will be held at 10:00AM on July 12th.
Jim Moat announced that the Columbine Lake trail maintenance day will be held July 21st. We will meet at 9:00AM at the Junco cabin.
Tara Jamison passed around a trail hosting signup sheet. She emphasized the need for hosts on holidays and weekends.
Al R. reminded the members that there is a trail status report page on the group website.
Roger Shaw asked for volunteers to adopt registration boxes. He pointed to a signup sheet posted on the wall.
Marshall Haith conducted a cabin hosting signup for Monarch and Junco cabins.
Jim Clair solicited volunteers to help with bulletin board maintenance. He passed around a signup sheet.
Carol Kitts solicited photos for the bulletin boards.
Sue Jackson reviewed the rules on how to record volunteer hours.
Joan Shaw asked for articles for the newsletter.
Susan Ellis, the group historian, asked members to look at some pictures she has been given and help her label them.
Joyce Clair reported on the group T-shirt inventory. She also passed around signup sheets for booth volunteers for the ArtAffair and Fraser River Days.
Donn Manly announced that the group will host orientation hikes during July and August on the trails we sponsor. The hikes are open to members and guests, with the hike leader's approval.
Roger Shaw described the encampment which is planned for July 8th through July 11th. Members who are interested should contact Roger.
Al R. mentioned that Judy Stanfill will organize the group's participation in this year's Public Lands Day.
Al R. announced that the annual birding trip will take place at the Arapaho National Wildlife Refuge on May 15th. He also announced that we will hold the Milk Can Picnic in August. Watch the website for details on these events.
Tara Jamison invited everyone to The Middle Park Land Trust 3rd Annual “Celebration” at Devil's Thumb Ranch on June 22nd.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8:50PM.
Toni Wujek, Secretary