GCWG Spring Member's Meeting Minutes 4/15/07
Location: Members met at the YMCA Summit Building at Adams Camp for a potluck, followed by the meeting.
Attendance: 62 people attended the potluck and meeting.
Opening: President Jerry Stahl called the meeting to order at 7:26PM
Jerry asked if there were any guests. Vernie Tupa introduced Ingrid and Barton Phillips; Joan Shaw introduced Bill and Kathy Turnbull.
Jerry explained that this meeting is the annual business meeting required by the by-laws.
Jerry introduced the NFS personnel present: Mike Ricketts, Brad Orr, and Gary McGraw. Mike reported that Ray Miller will be coming back this summer as a wilderness ranger, and Gary McGraw will be working as a seasonal employee responsible for trail maintenance. He reviewed some of the projects that the NFS Sulphur Ranger District is currently working on. He showed a map displaying the proposed relocation of a portion of the Continental Divide Trail near the Never Summer range. In the Indian Peaks, the district is planning for the removal of the wreckage of a small plane crash. In the Vasquez Peaks, they are working with the Grand Huts Association on an environmental analysis and wilderness boundary verification relating to the rebuilding of the 2nd Creek hut. Mike also reported that, this year, National Public Lands will be on September 29th and work will be scheduled for a portion of the CDT. The district is also working on a plan for burning, but there are no burns scheduled for this season. Mike also reported that the bridge to Cascade Falls has been repaired.
Brad Orr talked about a new “Motor Vehicle Use” map that is being created to document the 74 miles of motorized trails for users. He invited feedback on the mapped trails after the meeting. Jerry mentioned that he attended a BLM meeting last week, and that the BLM is inventorying the uses of their land and is also looking for public input.
Carolyn Manly reported that the children of Ed and Barb Bittle had made a donation to the GCWG in their parents' name, and that some of the monies had been used to purchase, laminate, and prepare for display 4 maps, to be hung at Monarch and Junco cabins. The maps were on display at the meeting. There is $100 remaining in this special fund. Otherwise, the treasury is at a low, with a balance of $216. She noted that most of the group's income is from the sales of T-shirts, and encouraged everyone to consider whether they need a new one. The T-shirts are available from Joyce Clair.
Jerry noted that Joyce Clair has stepped down as chairperson of the ArtAffair, and that Dolores Storer and MaryAnn Groswold have volunteered to replace her.
It was suggested that copies of the maps that have been laminated for display be sold at the ArtAffair and at the Monarch and Junco cabins.
Jerry reported that board member Mary Bernard has served two terms on the board and is retiring. He introduced the vice-president, Jim Moat. Jim reported that our annual trail maintenance day will be held Saturday, June 30th. Volunteers will meet at Junco cabin at 9:00AM and will work on the Columbine Lake trail. Check the website for further information. Jerry also introduced the secretary, Toni Wujek. Toni announced that she will be holding orientation sessions for members who would like to do cabin hosting and have not done it before. The Monarch cabin orientation will be at 10:00AM on June 6th. The Junco cabin session will be held at 10:00AM on July 7th. Jerry then introduced Al Rothenbach, who is in charge of membership and the website. Al reported that there are currently 132 GCWG members. He also said that the cabin and trail hosting schedules will be posted on the website this year, and that the site includes a blog where hikers can add their own comments about trail conditions. Al noted that there are a few places open on the Dinosaur National Monument camping trip that is starting April 23rd. Finally, Jerry reported that Marshall Haith will serve another term on the board.
Carolyn Manly, representing the nominating committee, reported that Susan Ellis and Jim Bernard will be joining the board.
Carolyn also mentioned that GCWG now has business cards and that they will be available after the meeting. Each member was encouraged to take five to ten cards, and use them to hand out to interested parties they talk to while cabin or trail hosting.
Jerry introduced Tara Jamison, the trail hosting co-ordinator. Tara said that group volunteers are a NFS presence on the trails, particularly on weekends and holidays, and passed around a trail hosting schedule for members' sign-up. She observed that not everyone can hike an entire trail, but encouraged us to hike whatever sections of our selected trail that we can. We should wear our GCWG T-shirts while hiking.
Jerry noted other group volunteer opportunities, including Daisy Days, our noxious weed pulling day, and the Milk Can Picnic, our summer social event. Details will be available on the website.
Jerry thanked Marsha Braddy for handling the group publicity, and the Jackson's for providing the coffee. He also mentioned Pat and Julia Pine, who co-ordinate the group volunteers for the NFS Xmas tree sale, and Ingrid Anderson and Jennifer Mirczak. who are the wonderful emcees at the winter White Dear Party. He introduced Roger Shaw, who spearheads our trailhead signage efforts, co-ordinates the registration box sponsors, and plans our annual backpacking trip.
Roger announced that, this year, the backpacking trip will be an encampment that will headquarter at the confluence of Caribou Creek and the creek that flows out of Wheeler Basin. This route starts out up Arapahoe Creek trail. All group members are invited to participate; an e-mail with more details will be sent nearer the time of the event. Roger also said that he is targeting Rogers Pass trailhead for new signage this season; a call for volunteers will come out when appropriate. Finally, he is planning a potluck dinner for those who adopt a registration box this season; at that event, he will give some instruction on how to get the registration box sheet data into Excel spreadsheets.
Roger and Marshall Haith asked for registration box sponsors. The following members volunteered: Baker Gultch: Susan Ellis; Bowen Gultch: the Clarks; Byers Peak: the Powers; Junco: the Rothenbachs; Kinney Creek: Linda Gerrans; Lake Evelyn: the Phillips; Monarch Lake: the NFS intern; Roaring Fork: the Turnbulls; St. Louis Lake: the Englands; Vasquez Creek: the Bernards.
Marshall Haith held a cabin hosting “auction”. The results will be posted on the website. Junco cabin will be covered on weekends from June 23rd through September 15th. Monarch cabin will be covered on Wednesdays and Thursdays from May 30th through September 13th.
Roger Shaw noted that Carol Kitts is filling the trailhead signboards. Carol needs pictures for the boards at Roaring Fork and Lake Evelyn, so if anyone has pictures from these trails, please send copies to Carol.
Donn Manly thanked everyone who signed up for cabin hosting. He and Carolyn are the co-ordinators for Junco cabin: they will be in touch with everyone who volunteered to host there. Donn also noted that we are not a hiking club, but that we would like our members to be familiar with the trails that we sponsor. He and Carolyn will be contacting the registration box sponsors for each trail and will be asking them to lead a hike on their sponsored trail. Details will be e-mailed. Donn's hiking announcement was met will applause.
Sue Jackson compiles the group's volunteer hours and submits them to the NFS. Sue reviewed how hours should be reported to her: for cabin hosting and group events, the co-coordinator reports everyone's hours. Individuals report hours only for trail hosting and registration box work, and should include transportation time. They need to use the form on the website. In each of the last seasons, group members have volunteered close to 3000 hours. The NFS uses this information at several levels of the bureaucracy to determine how their partnerships are working.
Jerry mentioned that the group's annual spring birding trip will be held on May 10th at the Arapahoe National Wildlife Refuge. Details will be on the website.
Jerry also asked for a show-of-hands from anyone who is interested in a hand-held GPS seminar. NFS personnel are willing to hold one. Again, watch the website.
Toni Wujek thanked Joan and Roger Shaw for their fine work on the newsletter. Mary Bernard thanked Jerry Stahl for his service as group president this past year.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 8:55PM.
Toni Wujek, Secretary