Cabin Hosting

We host the cabin at the Junco Lake Trailhead on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and holidays, and the cabin at the Monarch Lake Trailhead on Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday,
If you would like to host any additional days besides these, you can signup for those also.

You can look thru the tutorial to help you use SignUp Genius. Tutorial

Cabin Sign Up Click to View Volunteer Opportunities and SignUp

An orientation is provided at both the Monarch Trailhead Cabin and the Junco Trailhead Cabin. Orientations are for new members, those who have not hosted in the past, or any member who wants a refresher. Information is shared about our group's history, and where the trails from the cabin go.

Those unable to attend the orientation can arrange to cabin host with experienced members. This can be done independently or though the hosting coordinator.

Each member is expected to cabin host at least three times during the season. More often is welcomed to help us fill the schedule.

A volunteer handbook is located in each Cabin with complete instructions.
The handbooks are reproduced here so they can be reviewed before you host.

In general hosts are at the cabin from 9 to 4, but hours of hosting may vary on the time you have available.

If you cannot make your hosting day, you are responsible for finding a replacement. Please report the hosting change to the hosting coordinator.

Members should wear their volunteer tee shirts and your forest service volunteer badge (If you do not have a badge, there are usually some at the cabin.)

Time spent cabin hosting is recorded from the sign up schedule.