Volunteer Hours

Volunteer hours, accumulated on workdays, by trail and cabin hosting, and various other activities, are tracked and reported to the U.S. Forest Service.
Your hours are very important as the Forest Service uses our collective hours in reports and in grant applications.
We also kee[ tracl of the number of engagements.

Reporting Instructions

For individual activities, please maintain a log of your hours. You can download the Individual Volunteer Hours Reporting form by clicking on it below, and use it to keep your time log either on your computer or by printing it.

At the end of each Quarter email the completed form to Mike Braddy at Volunteer Hour coordinator

  • Types of activities reported by individuals (Travel time can be counted):
    1. Trail Ambassador. This is hiking any trails in Wilderness or USFS areas of Grand Co. See below for how individual Ambassador hours should be reported.
    2. Cabin ambassador not reported from SignUpGenius. See below to see if you need to report any additional Cabin Ambassador hours.
    3. Registration boxes (Include maintaining and collecting sheets in boxes and tallying report).
    4. Bluebird Box Maintenance
    5. Ospery Monitoring
    6. Monofilament Recycling Project
    7. Christmas Bird Count
    8. National Public Lands Day
    9. Administrative Activities
    10. Anything else not covered by a committee chairman.

    For Committee activities, committee chairs, please have everyone sign in on the volunteer service agreement, and use this to maintain a log of all hours. You can download the Service agreement by clicking on it below.

    After each activity or at the end of the Quarter email the completed forms or the number of hours to Mike Braddy at Volunteer Hour coordinator

  • Types of activities counted by committee chairs (not by individuals):
    1. Business Meetings (such as board meetings and Member Meetings)
    2. Cabin Ambassador
    3. Training Days
    4. Group Hikes
    5. Group work days, such as:
      • Trail maintenance
      • Cabin Maintenance
      • Noxious Weed Eradication
      • Bulletin Board Construction
    6. Education, such as:
      • Trail work/assestment training
      • Bird Walks
      • Flower Walks

  • Types of activities not counted (entertainment or social events):
    1. White Deer Party
    2. Group Picnic
    3. Spring Camping Trips
    4. Any other group trips not in Grand County
    Clarification of GCWG Volunteer Hours and Engagements Reporting

    • Cabin Ambassador hours will be determined by the information in the SignUpGenius reporting system, each volunteer will receive credit for 7 hours on the Quarterly Hours Reports.
    • Travel time to the cabins will be recognized and assumed to be 1 hour per person for the round trip to Monarch Cabin and 1 and 1/2 hour per person for the round trip to Junco Cabin. Travel time will be reported to HTA as a separate category.
    • Volunteers do not need to report these hours themselves unless you feel the SignUpGenius information is incorrect. If you worked more or less than 7 hours or had much longer commutes than assumed. Just send the Volunteer Hour coordinator an email note to that effect when the quarterly collection is under way.
    • A record of the number of Ambassador engagements with people arriving at either Cabin to go into the wilderness should be recorded in the daily logs in each cabin. As an example, if you talk to a group of 5 people, record 5 engagements in the log. Please total the engagements at the end of your day. The Cabin Coordinator will collect the log sheets for reporting to the Quarterly hours collection.

    • Trail Ambassadors hours Trail Ambassadors should also record their engagements with the public counting each of the people in each group while on the trails.
    • There is no longer any expectation for the length of time or distances to be traveled on the trail. Volunteers are free to hike for the length of time and distances they are comfortable with.
    • There is now an easy-to-use system for reporting hours and engagements. Simply follow this link to the reporting form and submit the number of hours and engagements. GCWG Hiking Ambassador Report (google.com)
      Only one person from each hike should fill out the form. We recommend the form be filled out as soon as possible after you hike. Please include any hikes you signed up for on SignUpGenius as well as all other Wilderness hikes you made during the 2nd and 3rd quarters.

    • To report all other activities you can use the forms below:

      To download an Individual Volunteer Hour Reporting Form click here: Ind. Volunteer Hours Report

      To download a Volunteer Service Agreement Form click here: Volunteer Service Agreement