Trail Ambassador & Trail Assessment

Your are a trail ambassador anytime you are hiking on national forest or wilderness trails. Members should wear their Volunteer GCWG Shirt and, if you have one, your forest service volunteer Badge.

In an effort to be more supportive of hikers, being an ambassador is encouraged on weekends and holidays when the hiker numbers are highest. It offers, to weekend hikers the availability of a knowledgeable, helpful trail volunteer. Bring along your trail book to answer any questions.
Always hike with a friend.

Being a trail ambassador is one of the easiest ways to meet your volunteer hours quota.

Ambassador Duties include:

  • Being a cheerful presence on the trail
  • Answering questions about the trails,
  • Sharing information about regulations, since many times that is all that is needed. Examples are: The Indian Peak's Wilderness leash law or camping 100 ft. from water (40 good strides equals Approximately 100 ft). Remember we are not law enforcement.
  • Doing trail assessment, and reporting back on the trail conditions.
    To report trail conditions you will need to use the Headwaters trail alliance volunteer reporting form.
    • Fill in your name and personal info.
    • Fill date and trail info.
    • Check Trail Assestment.
    • For Hours Worked on Trail, put the Number of hours that you hiked.
    • For Type of Maintenance, select Other and enter Trail Ambassador
    • For Number of Trees and Drains cleared enter 0.
    • Next is the Trail Assessment, Fill out any thing that needs work.
    • You can enter no work needed, if nothing was found.
    • Submit the Report.
  • Report shortages of sign in sheets in the trailhead boxes to the person responsible for that box. Go to Registration Boxes to find the person(s) responsible.

Trail Assessment Hikes are being added this year, To see a list of these hikes and to signup for them go to assessment hikes. Below is a list trails that GCWG supports for trail assessment along with the trailhead and registration box.

Click here to order your volunteer badge

Each individual needs to record their time for trail hosting. Hours are sent to the member tallying our volunteer hours for the Forest Service. The Forest Service uses these hours are used in grant applications and reports.

Trailhead Trail
Kinney Creek Kinney Creek

Keyser Ridge
Vasquez Vasquez Creek

Vasquez Pass (GCWG Adopted Trail)
Baker Trail Parika Lake

Parika Peak

Baker Gulch

Baker Pass
Junco Lake Columbine Lake (GCWG Adopted Trail)

Caribou Pass

Lake Dorthory

Mount Neva

High Lonesome (CDT)
Roaring Fork Watanga Lake

Mount Irving Hale

Knight Ridge (CDT)

Stone and Upper Lakes

East Shore Trail (CDT)
Bowen Trail Blue Lake

Bowen Gulch (CDT)

Baker Gulch)

Bowen Gulch Connector (CDT)
Lake Evelyn Lake Evelyn

Byers Peak

Horseshoe Lake

Bills Peak

Bottle Pass

B & B

Bottle Peak

Ptarmigan Peak
St. Louis St. louis Lake

St. Louis Divide

St. Louis Pass

St. Louis Lake Connector
Monarch Lake Cascade Creek

Arapaho Pass (CDT)

Arapaho Pass Spur Trail

Buchanan Pass

Gourd Lake